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Latefa Waheeb Ali H00298281 EPC4403

Characteristics of lessons

Rewarding students who showed effort and diligence in many areas, general
behavior, class work and homework, projects and test scores, with certificates.
Rewarding classes with best attendance and school uniform, by giving them a
What activities are
completed in trophy (changes every week).
assembly? Doing a presentation for the assembly every Tuesday (every week different class).
Ask few questions on the assembly topic.
Choosing the class with their best behavior (done by the secret teacher)

What activities are Write word of the day.
completed in circle
Write the number of the day with several digits.
Discuss what the students have to do during the day.

From mat to tables:

Groups color.
Between activities:
How are transitions
managed? Timer
Counting backward from 5 or 10.
Saying: fold your arms, and sleep.

What corners are Watching videos.


What activities are run After watching a video, the student will have an activity where they have to draw a
in each of these
diagram and write down some comparison and sentences from the video.

Students prepare their art materials and line up, then they go to the art room,

Art accompanied by the classroom teacher. There they do some drawing, coloring and
sculpturing based on the theme.

What activities are

completed in snack Playing with swings, slides, seesaws, etc. at the play area.
time/ outside play?


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