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_____________________________________________________________A Deblinger Corporation______

August 31, 2010

My fellow Shareholders,

Congratulations! Our growth has increased 100%.

August was very good to us. One month ago we were merely sole-explorers
in a vast sea of potential, but time has witnessed us. One thousand years ago, time
witnessed an alternate reality: medieval empires. She watched patiently as they
controlled the world. When they collapsed, she wept. Then she danced with the
conquistadors and burned with the revolutionaries. Then she murdered John
Dillinger. Then she played chess with Bobby Fischer.
I am proud to say that during this past summer, time witnessed a superhero
alliance so great, it has even impressed Dwayne Wade.
“It’s great, really. I’m impressed.” Said Wade. And so;

Videocom Studios presents

In association with
Herman Hunt
Who Party’s?

And introducing
Luminous Path Productions

A Rad Film

Next The Universe

A piece for assorted lunatics

Our story begins in a room. Our heroes name it the Trap. With time, the men
become revolutionaries. Thus, creativity prevails. The only direction is forward. The
titans have awakened.
Herman Hunt sits up. He tells his audience that he is a magician. Then he
pulls a blunt out of thin air. He lights it smoothly. A pen appears in his hand and he
begins to draw. First he draws burglars. Then he draws owls.
“Who party’s?” The blue owl asks.
“I party!” Screams the yellow owl. She hovers across the room. A hand
catches her. She is put on.
“I party!” says a green owl with a beer dispenser. He hovers across the room,
only to be caught by an even larger hand. He, too, is put on.
A few orange and red owls follow. One white. Pretty soon Jac’d is out of t-
shirts and he calls Mr. Hunt for more.
“Cut!” Luminous shouts.
“How did that shit look?” asks Condor.
“Fuckin’ beautiful,” replies Diesel. Luminous Path’s first film, Shoes, is nearly
complete. It took two days of principle photography, and one day of editing.

The rest is history.

September doesn’t know what is coming her way. We do.

Here’s to Raves
Here’s to Films
Here’s to Shirts

Time will witness us again.

Matt Deblinger

Here are some quotes that were written this past week on my (bedroom) wall:

“The Trap Dos”

“If you’re a girl and you can read this you should be naked.”

“Death is a stripping away of all that is not you. The secret of life is to ‘die before you
die’ – and realize that there is no death.”

“You too can aspire to make minimum wage one day.”

“Can’t stop, won’t stop. Never.”

“The future begins NOW!”

“The difference between finishing and quitting is

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