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Gabriela Pacheco

Stats 1010

Signature Assignment

The objective of this project was to work as a group to understand mathematically the

relationship between two variables. In the project, we were able to choose the two variables that

we wanted to analyze and verify the relationships between them. For our two variables we chose

height and shoe size. We wanted to see if there is a correlation between the two and by that I

mean does how tall or short a person is determine around what size shoe they would wear.

My group believed that the two variables would have a correlation between each other.

We thought that the taller the person the bigger the shoe size that person would wear. As for the

type of correlation, we suspected it would be a strong/weak correlation.

In order to prove that we were right we first needed to obtain data for our explanatory

variable and response variable. We did this by asking students around campus how tall they were

and what shoe size they wore. We measured height in centimeters and we used the U.S average

shoe scale for shoe size. After obtaining our list, we then made a scatter diagram for our data.

After this we went on to analyze that graph, the graph showed an upward trend. The taller a

person was the bigger the shoe size.

In conclusion, we found that our research did intact match our hypothesis. However, we

had a very small sample size so we cannot say based off one study that height does in fact

determine shoe size but we can say that there does appear to be some correlation. While

performing this experiment I learned how to determine if there is in fact a correlation between

two variables. Over all I found the activity to be very informative and insightful.

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