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This website is for the assignments that have been completed in RWS 1302. It contains
all of the major assignments that were assigned throughout the semester. The assignments
include the Genre Analysis, Literature Review and the Documentary. This website also contains
the assignments that were done in the first portion of RWS (1301).
Genre Analysis
The Genre Analysis a paper that would assist us in writing the Literature Review. This
paper would allow us to find resources and sites to aid our research. Once our resources were
found, we were to write a summary on that resource explaining how it would help our research.
Literature Review
The Literature Review was a research paper that was primarily focused on women in a
certain career field. My path to focus on was Women in Mechanical Engineering. The paper
focuses on how women are treated differently than men and the actions that could be taken to
make women more equal in the field.
The Documentary was a movie that we chose the topic of. This documentary had to
involve women. Our topic was about women in the police force. For our documentary, we
interviewed a police officer from UTEPs campus.

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