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Jamie Sullivan and Stacie Ryan

Language in Education Section MNO

October 31, 2017

Assignment #3: Integrating Multiple Literacies Across the Curriculum:

Literacy is utilized in multiple subject areas, making it a central part of Education. Each subject incorporates at least one type

of literacy, making it an essential skill for students to possess. Our project aims to identify what must be taken in to consideration

when becoming a teacher and what it means to effectively teach this skill by creating a Word Cloud. A Word Cloud is a visual

representation of text. The text is usually a single word, and the importance of each word is shown with font size or colour.

We began our Word Cloud by using a pre-writing strategy called Free Flow, which is a technique where the author

continuously writes for a period of time. The prompt used for our free flow was the word Literacy. Each of us took two minutes to

create a list of words that we felt describe Literacy. After the we had finished our lists, we discussed the words that we came up with

and why we felt they were important. We then joined our lists and discussed which words we thought were more pertinent to describe

the importance of literacy and what we had learned so far regarding it. This allowed us to rank our words from most relevant to less

relevant. Our Word Cloud is designed so that the words that we believed to be most relevant are the largest, and the words that are less

relevant are smaller. Finally, we focused on making our words the center of attention. We chose a bright colour range for the words

and then made the background black so that the words stood out.

Crowhurst, M. Language and Learning Strategies Across the Curriculum. (Chapter 10). Scarborough, ON: Allyn & Bacon
Tompkins, G., Bright, R., & Winsor, P. (2018). Language and Literacy: Content and Teaching Strategies (7th Canadian ed.). Don
Mills, ON: Pearson Canada.
Tompkins, G. (2013). 50 Literacy Strategies: Step by Step (4th ed). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

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