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Melanie Bazan

Professor Beadle

English 115

04 December 2017

Changes Throughout Time (Revised)

As time goes by, society follows and whether there are technological or global

adjustments, it is evident that progression takes place every day to advance society. Typically

filmmakers are known to address certain aspects of life on the big screen to expose the troubling

reality that people live in. This strategy has been in movies and as we look into the past we can

see these certain changes that have developed history. Changes throughout time, especially in the

span of 60 years can be found in both the films of Godzilla and Shin Godzilla. The original 1954

film, Godzilla, directed by Ishiro Honda, demonstrates destruction in society as a result of

WWII. Due to the significance and success of this original film, there have been countless

amounts of versions created after. A more recent film, Shin Godzilla, produced by Hideaki Anno,

in 2016, shifts the focus from the issues of WWII to more present day problems with the dangers

of science. Throughout both films of Godzilla, the director's attempt to highlight different issues

and recognizes change to reveal how society has evolved in a negative manner.

The evolution of Godzilla creates a unique sense to where changes are evident by

capturing new ideas to demonstrate modernistic perspectives. The demonic character in the film

is portrayed as a destructor in which, Godzilla looks, sounds, and most importantly, feels like a

giant monster (Zevallos). In the original Godzilla, the monster itself has erupted from water

with society unsure of what occurred (Honda). However, in the recent film, Shin Godzilla, Anno
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uses different methods to introduce the monster as Godzilla himself, is very different from how

it's begun (Zevallos). Anno, allows the film to show that Godzilla takes a more powerful form

after his first appearance, which enhances the dangers. It also reveals the importance as there is

a drastic growth within Godzilla himself (Donaldson). This represents how crucial time is

because it lays out a reality check to society. Although there was nothing to worry about when

Godzilla was first introduced as a small creature, overtime he got too big to deal with and no one

knew how to destroy him.

The way the films are carried out are also found to be different because of the use of

CGI, where computer graphics are generated to enhance media, images, and visual

representations. Overtime, the constant development of technical areas modernize the graphics of

films. The original Godzilla was produced as a black and white film in an earlier period giving

off the mythical vibes to prove the fantasy of the storyline. However, the modern day film was

produced in color, making it look surreal. The use of color catches the eye of an audience,

making them more attentive when watching the film. This has given a different type of appeal,

which reveals a sense of reality showing that it could occur at any moment. The featured

publication, Shin Godzilla brings the monster back written by Chris Donaldson, mentioned

that overall, Shin Godzilla is a masterpiece of modern filmmaking and design (Donaldson).

The film was considered to be effective because it allowed the audience to see how modern day

edits reinforce the significance of progression. It advises the audience to be well informed with

real issues in the world, which connects back to the idea of transformation. In addition, physical

characteristics are displayed differently to familiarize the audience with newness. For example,
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Donaldson describes Godzilla as a plume of roaring fire that sets Tokyo ablaze, turning into a

stream of pure energy slicing through the airborne bombers (Donaldson). The critic emphasizes

that through the advanced editing techniques, the physical changes of Godzilla are shown in a

new way to emphasize and appeal to the modern day aspects.

Godzilla has stuck with the power of destruction however, there are a great amount of

unexpected powers given to the monster to establish change. It is evident that in Shin Godzilla

there are more powers given to Godzilla as an attempt to adapt to a modernistic sense. His

unfamiliar powers are introduced as Godzilla spews an iconic atomic breath, which conveys

that the powers given are more powerful and distinct. This represent the dangers of technology

and how serious science is when it is tested. In addition, Godzillas powers start as a gaseous

inferno unstoppable of nuclear energy (Zevallos). This concludes that the powers aim to

grasp a more modern touch to show its capability, which is introduced to the recent film. The

powers given to Godzilla, give the audience a chance to notice how the dangers can affect what

is going on in the real world. Critics emphasize Godzillas actions to validate the fact that

Godzilla is careless giving an unacceptable impression that is new to society (Tokyo of Terror).

This exposes the fact that as a whole, society is not able to destroy Godzilla because of the

strange behaviors that are unknown.

The settings of both films are completely different, which create a new feel, becoming

another reason why there is a modern adaptation that captivates the audience. Although the

recent film is a considered to be similar to the original, there is also a new perspective given off

such as being set in modern-day Japan and changing Godzilla's origins and design (Shin
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Godzilla). The attempt to give the modern day setting, defines the growth of the film overtime.

In addition, Shin Godzilla is considered to be nothing like Godzilla had ever been seen before,

shirking the tradition of all previous Godzilla productions (Zevallos). This allows the audience

to see the significance of the rise in technology to connect the issues faced in modern day. This

also presents how the growth between both films have been an important contribution to the

differences, giving an interest in the realization of problems. The recent film has been described

as a political scramble of Japan [a] threat, while facing intense pressure from the international

community, notably the United States and this is considered to be drama ...when the United

States insists on using a nuclear bomb to eradicate Godzilla (Zevallos). Shin Godzilla, like no

other, focusses on the political aspect of society tying into relations with nuclear issues. The new

aspects of the film, expose the reality of issues in modern day where dangers can occur anytime

and although they are unknown, we as humans need to become aware.

The similarities between films give the audience the opportunity to argue that there no are

changes at all. In addition, some might say that Godzilla is still the same monster with the main

goal of destroying society meaning, it is the same concept. Being that there are similar factors in

order to convey the same message, it is brought up that the recent film is seen to be a duplicate.

While it is true that destruction is still perceived, there are many differences that appeal to

the newer era to show transformation. This reveals that those who disagree about the changes

within the films are wrong because of the elements that grow in the recent film. The recent film

carries physical changes where Godzilla is introduced differently to grab a different feeling and

scare the audience. Although the monster is the same , there is an emphasis on what the film
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itself focuses on such as graphics, visuals, and color. The attempt to implement color gives the

modern film an advantage to inform the audience of the dangers in the advancement of

technology through nuclear powers. The fact that the new film is able to convey these ideas

makes the film significant display the modernistic message that inform society of the possible


As time goes by, changes all around happen daily whether it is has to do with politics,

technology, or world issues and although both films focus on different aspects, they attempt to

create an immense awareness to the audience. Both films represent the issues going on in the

world and due to the world advancements, it is seen that throughout time, negative issues are

more popular more than ever. The changes found throughout the films are shown to be

significant because of the relations to modern day. With the rapid advancement of technology, it

is seen that hacking, threats, terrorist attacks, and many more dangerous concepts are becoming

more acceptable. However, in reality, that should never be thought of especially with all the

chaos currently happening all over the world. It gives the opportunity to creates awareness in

order to defend ourselves in society, which is a major lesson shown throughout both films. These

issues that are seen throughout both films of Godzilla demonstrate the reality of life. Although

these films are fictional they relay off of real world problems that are being faced in society. The

monster represents the fears that the Japanese had, that brought an awareness to the compelling

world issues.
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Works Cited

Anno, Hideaki. Shin Godzilla. Toho, 2016.

Donaldson, Chris. "'Shin Godzilla' Brings the Monster Back." University Wire 21 Oct.

2016: ProQuest. Web. 5 Nov. 2017 .

Honda, Ishiro. Gojira. Toho, 1954.

"Terror of Tokyo Returns With Shin Godzilla." University Wire [Carlsbad] 30 Nov.

2016: University Wire, Nov 30, 2016. Web.

Zevallos, Keith. "Shin Godzilla Review." University Wire [Carlsbad] 18 Oct. 2016:

University Wire, Oct 18, 2016. Web.

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