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Negatives of Zoo

List of Pros, Cons, and Conclusion of Zoo

1. Benefit or pros
The average zoo today is a far cry from the zoos of old when cement cages and steel-bar
enclosures were commonplace. A much more natural approach is taken these days, with modern
zoos using streams and moats to prevent animals from leaving a specific area. The animals are
also housed in what is known as a mini-habitat, this means the enclosure where that particular
animal lives is as close to its natural habitat as possible.

2. Cons
The main argument against zoos is the belief by some professionals that, even with the best
intentions and conditions, a zoo cannot provide the perfect environment for every type of animal.
For example, it is extremely difficult for zoos to recreate the natural environment that an elephant
is used to living in. This is because in the course of a day an elephant can walk anywhere up to 50
kilometres a day. Elephants also travel in packs of thirty or forty in the wild.

3. Conclusion
There is no denying that the animals kept in zoos argument is a bit of a hot potato but both sides of
the argument make valid points. At the end of the day, everyone involved, from members of the
public and zookeepers to conservation specialists and scientists all have one common interest to
ensure the welfare of the animal.

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