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Domonique Villalobos

Jennifer Rodrick

Queer Studies 115

November 14,2017

A Single Man, in the End

Many novels in the sphere of the LGBTQ realm have made an everlasting mark on

literature with its impression of importance, till this day. It is viewed that most LGBTQ

identitys is often seen through the context of a novels theme. In reading A Single Man by

Christopher Isherwood, it is easy to see how George, the main character, played a part with the

overall theme by analyzing, going over evidence and additional resources.

Often in many novels, the theme plays a significant role in a stories structure. Being or

feeling the relief of showing and expressing your true self is what I believe the theme is to be. It

intertwines itself with the LGBTQ community by communicating the importance of embracing

freedom. In remarks to A Single Man, this feeling was absent most of the life of the main character,

George. It appears quite profoundly in Georges late partners life Jim, and his student Kenny. Both

individuals lived, and live life without limitations. Such limitations wouldve included, hiding

sexuality, and divining into a bit of curiosity. Furthermore, these characters are quite important to

analyze. Presuming that Jim was adventurous, his time of experimentation was his expression of

his individualism. His actions were not acceptable to George. Running away and being with a

woman, devastated George. Jim was probably his first real love, and this betrayal, fractured
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Georges heart. How could someone pretend to be gay? George wasnt looking for something

brief and quick. He was searching for a soul mate. He wanted to not feel like a constant outcast or

reject to society. Jims doings, knowingly or not affected George on several levels. He made

George feel subconscious of himself, he left a constant reminder of his precise in the house they

once shared and created a constant dread of memories. Perhaps it was the constant stigma that Jim

would get criticized by or it was another reason. Jim made a decision, to try and escape the prison

of western climate. He ventured to find the freedom, but found death instead. Forward, in Kennys

situation, he is curious, no doubt about it. Its college, a phase of experimentation. He already

suspects that George is gay, but is willing to see it and experience what it is. Oh, that was because

one of the kids told me youre in here a lot (151) This curiosity is significant because Kenny

came out of his way to actually see his teacher, but mainly to see the other half that George hides

when hes in the workplace. Kenny is crossing a boundary and invading Georges privacy, all to

really confirm that his professor is gay. His curiosity leads him to a wild road, he gets drunk with

George to loosen him and try and pry it out of him that he isnt such a typical reserved man. Is

that supposed to be a compliment? Maybe. The point is, I like calling you sir. (158) such a

comment can make an impression on Kennys actions towards George. Considering the fact, the

George is intoxicated, he is taking in this data as something else. Most importantly, through

Kennys actions its was to see how he disregards the complexities of how hard a conversation can

be with someone who hides for safety. He shows his freedom of his actions which is something

George hasnt even done yet. The freedom that these other characters possess, is a matter that has

not been able to be done by George because he worries about every detail of his life.
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History is important concept to understand when reading this novel. In reading Writing

Desire: Sixty Years of Gay Autobiography by Cohler, Betram J., this piece of literature touches

on the factors of gay emergence and its effect to the gay community. It also explains and shines a

light on what the epidemic in American society. According, to the chapter coming out in the

40s, under Coming Out Gay in The Sixties and the Emergence of Gay Rights, it was the civil

rights movement that fired political opposition. New Yorks Stonewall Inn in June 1969,

which marks the beginning of a visible gay rights movement in the United States (65) this event

opened the eyes of many and shocked the media and all forms of organizations to acknowledge

the gay community. However, people who were trying to understand this uprising, took non-

sufficient aspects into the equation. During this time frame, being gay was correlated with

psychological aspects. This report claimed to show that these men were psychologically

troubled and that their homosexuality was the result of upbringing by mothers who smothered

them and fathers who were emotionally distant. (67) The 60s were a time of hostility to the

queer community.

However, the gay community sought or looked-for hope in other places to surpass the

negative society. Through the art of cinema and entertainment, the gay community was able to

escape the heteronormative world.

Continuing with the previous resource of

Coming Out Gay in The Sixties and the

Emergence of Gay Rights , The Wizard of

Oz, was a prime film that was seen as

journey to another land where you can be who you are. This film was a true escape but not all

aspects of this film were positive. The irony, was the main star Judy Garland was very suicidal.;
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she tried several times to commit suicide through overdosing on sleeping pills or slashing her

wrists as Kantrowitz himself was to do in his desperation regarding his sexuality. (70) For many

people who had some recognition, as a star or even a public figure, death was a problematic issue

in living the life as a gay or lesbian. This information leads us to consider how suicide was the

only way out to not be treated as an alien species. These examples tie into Georges own death.

The salt water he swallows seems as intoxicating as whiskey. (162) He was technically

drinking and drowning himself away. It might not have seemed intentional but it came off as

suspicious. His death was not on his terms mentally, but bodily functions wise, it was bound to

happen. Had this blockage not been absolute, had the occlusion occurred in one of the smaller

branches of the artery, the skeleton crew could have dealt with it (186) His body shut down

and his chance of reaching what he desperately wanted had vanished. His ultimate wish, was to

be accepted and not have to hide behind the curtain. In other words, George hadnt found his

escape in life. At the last moments of his life, he chose to then, take part of the sweet escape. To

many, death was the sweetest thing to do. If you couldnt fit in, you didnt belong. He couldnt

necessarily because of the factor of psychiatric therapy. Basically, if you were gay, something

was wrong with you mentally. This thinking even continued further to far out suspicions.

According to Older Gays and Lesbians: Surviving a Generation of Hate and Violence by Deana

F. Morrow . By the late 1940s and into the 1950s, the House UnAmerican Activities

Committee, in tandem with the McCarthy Hearings in the Senate, targeted gays and lesbians,

along with presumed Communists and others, as threats to the stability of the country (DEmilio

& Berube, 1984; Poindexter, 1997) (155). If you were gay or lesbian, boom you were different,

thought differently, now you are associated with communist or are one. The skepticism was
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defiantly not appreciated by the gay and lesbian community. These were the endurances that the

community had to experience.

Literature has its ways when it comes to producing important books on LGBTQ lives.

Through this production, the insight of the LGTQ community is seen in a new light. A Single

Man, is a perfect example of the emergence of the LGTBTQ community. Along with a history

and a hectic political sphere.

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Works Cited

Cohler, Bertram J. Writing Desire: Sixty Years of Gay Autobiography. Madison, University of

Wisconsin Press, 2007,



Isherwood, Christopher. A Single Man. New York, Lancer Books, 1965.

Morrow,F, Deann, Older Gays and Lesbians: Surviving a Generation of Hate and Violence, The

Haworth Press Inc,2001.

Paprocki, Matt, Wizard of Oz Ultimate Collectors Edition Review,2009.

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