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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology

Infant-Pre-K Curriculum Plan: Technology-Based Lesson/Activity

Your Name: Stephanie Hummel Activity Title: Character-to-Book Matching

Number of children participating at one time: 3-4 Ages: 5-6

IMPORTANT: When you are finished entering all of your information into the template, any information provided here
to help you through the planning process (in RED) can be deleted.

Activities written for previous classes cannot be re-used and must be the original work of the student.

Ohio Early Domain: Language and Literacy

Learning &
Strand: Reading
Standards: Topic: Reading Comprehension

List at least 1 Standard Statement: Ask and answer questions, and comment about characters and major
standard that is
events in familiar stories.
addressed by
this activity.
Write out each
and exactly, as
published in

In this lesson, children will describe characters from two stories- Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson,
and The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss, and match a picture of the character to the correct story.

Estimated This lesson will be broken into four parts over two days, with two sections per day. We will spend the
first two, about 25 minutes each, reading the two stories and using adjectives to describe the
characters and their actions in their respective stories. The third part will entail sorting the characters
by book using picture cards and will take 30 minutes. In the fourth part, children will spend 45 minutes
using an online sorting game to sort the characters. The lesson will take a total of 125 minutes.
Preparation of What preparation is needed? Gather the two books- Bear Snores Onand The Cat in the
materials and Hat. Create the picture cards. Create the online sorting game. Gather the iPads for children to
environment play the sorting game.

What materials will be used? Two books- Bear Snores On and The Cat in the Hat, laminated
pictures cards depicting the characters in both stories, butcher block paper, marker, small table
with two chairs and 2 iPads to play the online sorting game.

How will the learning environment be set up? Children will gather in a large group on the carpet
for the first two sessions to hear both stories and describe the characters of each. In the third
session, children will sit in small groups of 2-3 at the table and sort picture cards of the characters
into two piles, one for each book. In the fourth session, during quiet time children will be pulled
into small groups of 2 at a separate table to play the online sorting game.
Instructional Procedures:

Day 1:
Session 1: in the first 20 minutes of the lesson, students will gather on the carpet in front of me, sitting in a chair. I will
read aloud Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson. During the read aloud, children will answer questions about each
character, including visual descriptions of each and how each character affects the story. I will use a sheet of butcher
block paper to record the information.

Session 2: Later that same day, in a 20 minute segment, students will again gather on the carpet in front of me as I read
aloud The Cat in the Hat. As before, as I read students will be asked to provide detailed character descriptions and
describe the role of each character in the story. This information will also be recorded on a different sheet of butcher
block paper. When each character analysis is complete, the two sheets of butcher block will be hung side-by-side in easy
view of students.

Day 2:

Session 3: We will begin the 30 minute session by students gathering on the carpet. We will review the character
analyses from yesterdays sessions with help from the character charts we compiled. Then I will introduce the character
picture cards, identifying each. Then, students will move to tables, each with their own set of stacked picture cards.
Students will sort the picture cards into two piles, by book, with my assistance as needed.

Session 4: Before quiet time, students will gather on the carpet to review the butcher block character analyses and
review the two books. This session will be 45 minutes. Then I will hold up an iPad and demonstrate its use and the online
sorting game. Students will select a shelf toy or book to read as quiet time begins. I will select two children at a time to
use an iPad to play the sorting game. As with all parts of the lesson, I will be supervising iPad use to provide assistance as

An educational website providing students with online games and resources to complement their reading skills.
Differentiated Instructional Support: Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or altered) to meet the
needs of gifted or accelerated students: For these students, I will provide separate sequencing picture cards. Each card
will depict a scene from the book. Students will sequence them from beginning to end.

Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the material: I will
provide additional one-on-one time with students who need it.

Vocabulary: Author, illustrator, title, character, adjective

For teachers
Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson
The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss
2 large sheets of butcher block paper
Picture cards for each book, one set per student
2 iPads
Small table with 2 chairs

For students
The teacher will provide all the materials for this lesson.

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