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1. School: CSN ECE Lab School (North Las Vegas Campus) Telephone: 702-651-


2. Teacher: Age/grade level: Susan Smythe Pre-K (3 to 4 )

3. Number children 15 enrolled

4. Centers Science Center, Reading/Writing Center/ Music Center, Art Center, Home

Center, Block Center. **Mrs. Smythe said they dont have a certain number each

center can accommodate but they let the children know if its too crowded.** The

only center that has a set number of accommodation is the Science Center which

can accommodate 4 and a teacher.

Arrangement of Physical Space

1. Centers requiring more space have enough space: The centers that required

more space such as the Block Center and the Art Center were the biggest and

most spacious centers.

2. Centers are established according to curricular domains: The centers

established followed the curricular domains Language: Writing Center Social:

Block Center and Home Center Aesthetic: Art Center and Music Center Physical:

Block Center and Writing Center Cognitive: Science Center Affective: Home

Center and Block Center.

3. Clear pathways: The pathways for the most part were all clear and it was easy

to walk from center to center. There was only one narrow pathway from the art

center to the home center. Its spacious enough for the children to walk through

but a larger adult may find it narrow.

4. Quiet and noisy play areas are separated: The Science Center is located on a

tree house on top of the reading/writing center. The centers should be separated

so that children who are reading dont hear the noise from the feet stumbling and

noise of the science center.

5. Space is divided into defined areas: The space is divided into defined areas by

the furniture and floor. The furniture is well placed so that cabinets and rugs

define each area.

6. There is a space large enough to accommodate entire class: Next to the

Reading/Writing Center there is a big rug and large space where the teacher can

read to whole class it is also combined with the music space.

7. Space has at least 2 convenient features: There is a water fountain next to the

snack table that is convenient for children to use. The bathroom is also

conveniently located next to the snack table.

8. An indoor space for privacy is accessible and physically set up in the

classroom: In the reading center there is a corner set up with pillows and

comforter so children can have privacy.

9. Dead space: not present.

Learning Materials, Equipment and Furniture

1. Most indoor surfaces are durable: All of the cabinets were made out of wood

and looked sturdy. The chairs, tables, sinks, and other furniture seemed long

lasting and in good condition. I moved the legs of the chairs and tables and they

all stood firm.

2. All furniture is clean: All of the furniture looked cleaned and orderly. The

furniture seemed cleaned and sanitized.

3. Materials included are familiar to children: There were a variety of familiar

materials such as play phones, puzzles, dolls, and toy cars.

4. Materials that promote different types of functions: There were a variety of

materials/toys that promoted different functions such as puzzles for longer

involvement and cooking materials for shorter attention. There are quiet materials

such as books to read and louder materials such as music instruments.

5. Materials that will attract children: There were a variety of materials that

attracted children such as drums, home materials, puppets, art materials, blocks,

dress up clothes, toy tools etc.

6. Materials are safe: The materials were all safe there were no objects that

seemed inappropriate or harmful. There were no sharp objects or heavy objects.

7. Materials are appropriate for childrens developmental age: The materials

were all appropriate for the children. The children used the materials


8. Multiple sets of same materials: There were multiple sets of the same toys and

materials such as multiples of the same dinosaur toys, toy cars, blocks etc.

9. Materials reflect human diversity in an unbiased way: There were pictures of

children of different race posted through out the class as well as different race

dolls and clothes of different culture in the dress up area.

Storage of Materials and Equipment

1. Childrens materials are stored so they are easily reached: The childrens

toys/materials were all easy for the children to reach. They were placed in low

height levels and in open shelving.

2. Materials for teachers use are stored out of reach: The materials that are for

teacher use were stored in high places so children cant reach them. Such as

scissors and teacher markers were stored in a high basket. The cleaning
materials were stored highly above the sink.

3. See through containers/open boxes/baskets are used to store materials:

The materials/toys were all stored in baskets in open shelving. It was very easy

to see what was in each basket because the baskets did not have lids.

4. Storage is labeled: All of the materials are labeled with a name and picture that

is laminated and taped where the materials belong.

5. Space in the room specific to each child and labeled as such: Every child

has their own locker with their name and picture on the locker. Located in the

entry of the class.

Other Elements of Physical Environment

1. Natural light/ventilation can be controlled: On the side of the Art Center and

home center there are big windows with curtains which natural lighting that can

be controlled. The ventilation on the other hand cant be controlled because the

campus controls it.

2. Pictures of children with family: There is a bulletin board that has pictures of

children with their family. There were only a few pictures posted so not all of the

childrens family pictures were posted.

3. Signs on the centers are understandable to children: The signs on the

centers had names such as Art center, Reading Center, Science Center and

each center had a picture that describes that center.

4. Three-dimensional child created work is displayed in addition to flat work:

There were painted plates that looked like butterflys that were painted and

created by the children hanging next to the Home Center as well as paper

paintings hung on the bulletin board next to the art center.

5. About half of the display is related to current interest of children in the

group, and one can easily tell what childrens interest are: Not present.

6. All play areas requiring special provisions are conveniently equipped: All of

the areas except the art area were conveniently equipped. The Art Center had

carpet vs. tile or hard floor that would make it easy to clean a spill.

7. Space is accessible to children and adults with disabilities: There is railing

in the bathrooms and space for wheelchairs to go through the class.

Diversity: The teacher did an excellent job in representing the issue of diversity in the

physical environment by having pictures of families of different ethnicity hung up, having

different culture dress up clothes, as well as having books of different cultures for the

children to read.

Classroom in action: Mrs. Smyth is organizing pumpkins with the children from biggest

to smallest. One of the children chooses to play with her pumpkin by herself. The child

whines and says, This is my pumpkin I dont want to put it in the table. Mrs. Smyth tells

the child You may take your pumpkin and play in the art table if you dont want to join

us. The child carries her pumpkin and plays with it by herself. Other children who are in

different centers are able to see Mrs. Smyth organizing pumpkins and decide to join Mrs.


Evaluation: The classroom was overall well arranged. The classroom provided children

different opportunities of play. I observed the children argue about wanting the same

kind of toy and the teacher was able to resolve the conflict because there were multiple

sets of the same toys. I observed children participate in different types of play. If the

children wanted to do something that was quiet they were able to paint and read. Other

children that wanted to have active play were able to play with each other in the other

Rating: 4

Strengths & Weaknesses: The strengths of the classroom were the multiple sets of

the same materials, each center was clearly defined, the classroom did a good job in

representing the issue of diversity, the materials and toys were safe and appropriate for

the children, the materials and toys were also attractive to the children. The weakness of

the classroom was that not all the pathways were clear. The pathway from the art center

to the home center was not very spacious. Not all of the childrens pictures were posted

with their families (although this could be because the family didnt provide them.) The

science center was located on top of the reading/writing center, which could be

distracting to the children if they wanted quiet time.

Improvements: The biggest improvement I would suggest is to relocate the science

center so that quiet spaces and louder spaces are not combined. I also would suggest

getting rid of the two-story area because children were not easily accessing the center.

Another improvement would be to have more pictures of the children with their families if


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