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Is a film directed by Mark Herman set during The Second World War.

1The action is narrated from the point of view of Bruno, the nine-year-old son of a high-ranking
Nazi soldier. He and his family are forced to leave Berlin when their father is assigned to work in
the Auchwitz concentration camp.

2The boy from the window of his room can look at several houses and many people wearing
"striped pajamas". The innocence characteristic of a child of his age makes him believe that they
are farmers, when in fact they are the prisoners Jews of the field.

3Bruno is bored to be at home, he is going to explore the surroundings and through a fence he
meets Shmuel, with whom he begins a beautiful friendship. Without his parents knowing anything
about it, Bruno goes every day to play and to bring food to his new friend

4Bruno decides to tell Shmuel that he is leaving his new home and his obvious sadness, his friend
tells him that his father has disappeared, so Bruno agrees to spend his last day with him on the
other side of the fence, in order to Help you find it. After dressing up in one of the striped pajamas
and digging a hole to get in, they begin their adventure. Suddenly the events take an unexpected
turn: it begins to rain and the soldiers lead a group of prisoners, including the two children, to the
shower, or so the young people thought.

5 Meanwhile Bruno's parents notice his absence and start looking for him. Realizing where his son
had gone, they began to run desperately until they found their clothes in front of a hole under the
fence. The father, on seeing the lack of prisoners, realizes that they have activated the gas
chamber, but it is late, and they only have the regret.
Es una pelcula dirigida por Mark Herman durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
1La accin se narra desde el punto de vista de Bruno, el hijo de nueve aos de un soldado nazi de alto rango.
l y su familia se ven obligados a abandonar Berln cuando su padre es asignado a trabajar en el campo de
concentracin de Auchwitz.

2El chico de la ventana de su habitacin puede mirar varias casas y mucha gente usando "pijama de rayas". La
inocencia caracterstica de un nio de su edad le hace creer que son campesinos, cuando en realidad son los
prisioneros judos del campo.

3Bruno est aburrido de estar en casa, va a explorar los alrededores ya travs de una valla se encuentra con
Shmuel, con quien comienza una hermosa amistad. Sin que sus padres lo sepan, Bruno va todos los das a
jugar ya traer comida a su nuevo amigo

4Bruno decide decirle a Shmuel que est dejando su nuevo hogar y su tristeza evidente, su amigo le dice que
su padre ha desaparecido, por lo que Bruno se compromete a pasar su ltimo da con l en el otro lado de la
valla, con el fin de ayudarle Encuntralo. Despus de vestirse en uno de los pijamas a rayas y cavar un
agujero para entrar, comienzan su aventura. De repente los acontecimientos toman un giro inesperado:
empieza a llover y los soldados conducen a un grupo de prisioneros, incluyendo a los dos nios, a la ducha, o
eso crean los jvenes.

5 Mientras tanto, los padres de Bruno notan su ausencia y comienzan a buscarlo. Al darse cuenta de dnde
haba ido su hijo, empezaron a correr desesperadamente hasta encontrar su ropa delante de un agujero bajo la
cerca. El padre, al ver la falta de prisioneros, se da cuenta de que han activado la cmara de gas, pero es tarde,
y slo tienen el arrepentimiento.

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