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Dear Jennifer,

When I came in to your class this year I feel like I came in a little over-confidently. I had

just been reeling from a great easy Senior year English Lit class and so I was kind of take aback

when I came to your class and it was not so easy. One of the things I had to stay on top of the

most in the class was definitely the MLA citations. I dont think Ive ever had to really focus on

citations as much as I have this semester. Ive never really cared about citations before and this

class really taught me the importance on MLA and also the complexities of it but mostly why it's

so important to focus on it. A lot of the writing I did in high school had a lot of little restrictions

but coming to this class I was pleasantly surprised to see some of those limitations go. Such as

not being able to use we, you, and us in an essay or simply even writing essay that couldnt be

longer than 3 pages. Having more options was both good and bad. It was good because it

allowed for more creative opportunities but at the same time we now had a lot more to do. I was

initially super freaked to know we had to write essays that were 4+ pages long but honestly now

it seems like such a normal thing to do. One of the significant changes that I am going to take

away from this class is the ability to write a lot more than I was used to before. Being able to

write longer essays and them not being completely full of fluff. As I said earlier I think my

confidence in writing was a little shaken when the class initially began but I think it was a matter

of just getting adjusted and learning to take a larger work loud. In high school the essays were

much shorter and easier (probably because it was literature and I love literature) so it was

definitely an adjustment. Just because it took me so long get used to your class I think I lost a

little bit of my creative style but then again this is the first time in a really long time I write

anything thats not a literature piece or something that uses text as a frame of reference (besides
Project Text). But I think Project Text was my most stylistic essay and it was also my favorite. I

think the biggest thing I have to make sure I dont lose track of after this class is honestly the

MLA citations and other mechanical issues. Im going to seriously press myself about it because

it's incredibly important. Something that I failed to ask about in class but it's something that I

have struggles with since I was in elementary school are run on sentences. On Project Text

breaking down the quote sandwich into three different sentences definitely helped a lot though.

After this class Im still not completely confident in my writing (but really when will I ever be)

but I think its mostly because I have not done this type of writing in such a long time. But I had

so much fun this year, English is my favorite subject and Im honestly so grateful you were my

Professor because you are hilarious and you're brought up great/relevant issues and

conversations in class and it was so fun. Also I loved not being restricted in what we could write

about in the three essays, I think that was my favorite part of this class; the unlimited subjects.

This was my class of the week and it was never dull or a burden to come to and Im honestly

going to miss it so much. Im going to miss talking about the Walking Dead with you! Thank

you so much for a great semester.


Alyssa Lopez

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