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ISTJ - The teachers pet.

Goody goody two shoes who will tell the teacher if youre even only trying to
have fun. They are the ultimate killjoys. Also they are the kids who get shoved in the lockers or the
bins, and somewhat, deservedly so. They were the ones who turned your school into Oceania from
1984. They do unpaid labour in the form of hall monitor.

ISFJ - Well behaved students, but they wont force it on you At least not yet. Wait until you are their
grandchild, then feel the brunt of table manners policing. In school they are followers, somewhat
outcasted from the main gang, although they will certainly suck up to them since they are insecure of
their popularity, something they usually dont have.

ESTJ - The bully. Will offer you their services to you for free! A free bogwash? How about a nice
atomic wedgie? Theyll give these without asking if youre a teachers pet or a nerd, how nice of
them! They are one of the kings of the schoolyard pecking order alongside the ESTP. Some of the
more well behaved of them will appear more like ISTJs.

ESFJ - Like oh my gahd! I went totally crazy when I saw Sally dancing in front of the bathroom mirror!
That is the ESFJ in a nutshell. Boys will not fair as wall as girls with this type. The girl ESFJs will be the
queens of the girl groups and they can be noticed by maxing out their Facebook friends limit. Thats
their life achievement.

ISTP - The loner kid nobody notices. Hes often on his own dismantling things around his house trying
to find out how they work. This stretches to school also. Expect them to be taking apart their pen in
the middle of class just to figure out what makes it pop up when they press the bottom of it.

ISFP - The kid whos obsessed with their own fashion sense. They think they are so above all these
trend followers. Unfortunately nobody notices, or cares about their existence. Theyre obsessed with
the outdoors. If you want to talk to them, the secret garden is the first place to look.

ESTP - The kid who cant sit still. They are at the top of the pecking order and can often be seen
bullying others who arent as obsessed with health and fitness as them. They always want to get out
of their seat and do a lap of the track or play a game of football. Apart from PE, school is a bore to

ESFP - PAAAAARRTY!!! Thats whats going on in their head. As soon as the teacher is gone, they are
probably turning the classroom into a party and everyones invited! The ESFJ is probably their best
friend, and the one to tell them the teacher is coming back. The party stops, the classroom is still a
mess, and the whole class is kept in over lunch. Thanks ESFP!

INFJ - One of the small group of kids obsessively talking about philosophy and where did we all
come from They only care a slight bit about their looks, but they enjoy socialising when it is in their
small circle of friends who are just like them. Although, they barely exist. Nobody, except other
Intuitive can actually see them.

INFP - The snowflake. You know how the ISFP is obsessed with their fashion sense? The INFP is
obsessed with their identity. You have to be incredibly careful when you talk to them. You dont want
to ignite that fire of the Triggering, do you? DID YOU JUST ASSUME MY GENDER? Im a transgender
demi-female! Acknowledge your straight cis white male privilege!

ENFP - That kid everyone seems to like to an extent. The only one of the intuitive who can fit in with
the cool kids. As well as this, they are welcome into the philosophy circle with the INFJ also. In school
they are the quintessential jack of all trades type. They do have the easily offended nature of the
INFP though, so watch out. You dont want another serving of that, do you?

ENFJ - The first choice for when the teacher has to leave the room for teaching the class. They have a
very strong relationship with their teachers, especially their English teacher, which they may have a
crush on. They are a social type, however typical smalltalk bores them. Expect to see them in the
philosophy circle drown out the entire conversation. They just dont stop talking about why things

INTJ - Secretly plotting to take over the school. They do what they want when they want. If the school
rules dont make logical sense, expect them to ask why should I tuck my shirt in, why should I choke
myself to death by fastening my top button? Is this going to help me learn? Isnt that what school is
supposed to be about? Then when they turn 15, they realise it is a scheme to brainwash the public
and they make the connection between school and the zombified population of adults.

INTP - Probably thinking the same thing as the INTJ but the INTP is a bit of a coward. They will follow
rules, not because they agree with the rules, but because they fear the wrath of the teacher. But
whenever they are given the chance, they will break rules which make no sense to them. Expect
them to be bullied a lot due to their meek nature. They are probably friends with the INTJ and
sympathise with his goals.
ENTP - The troll. Probably looking for a chance to correct the teacher when they say something
wrong. And when they do, they will instantly call them out on it. Although then they get told off for
interrupting the teacher. Then they realise school isnt about learning, its about obedience. They
seek out the other NTs and join them in taking over the school.

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