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PUFFScoin and The Leafy Cauldron Apothecary, in the interests of promoting the

research, production, development, and distribution of medical cannabis in a

socially responsible and verifiably transparent manner, are signatories to the Code
of Ethics as detailed by the Canadian Medical Cannabis Council,

We shall strictly adhere to the Six Principles within this Code of Ethics, and
guarantee to -

~ certify the health, safety and well-being of our clients is our highest priority,
endeavouring to exceed the standards set out under the MMPR and Cannabis Act with
respect to production, labelling, shipping, record-keeping and recall planning.

~ maintain our operations as a cryptocurrency and as a medical cannabis provider in

an unimpeachably professional and ethical manner, observing an inflexible
committment towards municipal, provincial and federal legislative compliance.

~ provide clients with the highest-quality medical cannabis and concentrates,

backed by a stringent quality and accountability process, with plans to develop and
provide a full seed-to-client provenance service.

~ offer a diversity of strains and delivery methods as well as a consistent supply

that serves the variety of client prescriptive needs, to provide real and available
options for low-income patients through blockchain-allocated guaranteed-revenue
programs, and compassionate pricing models, and to actively work with clients,
health insurance providers, and provincial/federal formularies to obtain coverage
possibilities for necessitous patrons.

~ to divest 10% of all cryptocurrency minted through blockchain operation directly

to the Veterans Endowment Fund through hard-coded protocol for the sole purpose of
covering the cost of prescribed medical cannabis to Canadian veterans who require a
higher daily limit than Veterans Affairs Canada currently reimburses.

~ to refrain from providing medical cannabis to any individual or organization

believed to be involved in any form with illegal distribution, and comply with all
security requirements set out in the MMPR and Cannabis act, as well as all local
municipal, provincial and federal conditions that may arise in the future,
particularily in the areas of access, monitoring, intrusion protection and
inventory tracking exigencies.

~ advocate for continued clinical research relating to medical cannabis, and make a
commitment to supporting and eventually sponsoring those efforts, with the intent
that all projects supported and sponsored by PUFFScoin and The Leafy Cauldron
Apothecary will benefit Canadian patients and help accelerate the state of publicly
accessible academic knowledge related to medical cannabis.

~ only participate in research activities that are ethically defensible, socially

responsible, scientifically calid and which meet approriate clinical practice.

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