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1 11/31/2014 Andrews

Table of Contents
Ice Breakers:
3) 2 Truths & a Lie
4) Pet Peeve Pass
5) Soloman Silent
6) Sit down If
7) Guess the Person
8) The Toaster Game
9) Anyone Who?
10) Year of the Coin
11) Screamer
12) Barnyard Game
Team Builders:
14) Another Shoe Game
15) 3, 2, 1 Ball Up Toss
16) Minefield
17) Human Letters
18) Hula Hoop Pass
19) The Game of Possibilities
20) Drop the Ball
21) Winner/Loser
22) Ten Ways to Kill a New Idea
23) Mission Statement
Active Games:
25) Sharks & Minnows
26) Gauntlet
27) Dodgeball
28) 5 on 5 Basketball
29) Knockout
30) Four Square
31) Tug-O-War
32) Red Light, Green Light
33) Duck, Duck, Goose
34) Three-Legged Races
Passive Games:
36) Giants, Wizards, & Elves
37) Auto Trip
38) Beat the Bunny
39) Buzz
40) Chicken Picks
41) Electricity
42) Fight for My Attention
43) Ghost
44) Good Morning
45) Ha Ha Ha
2 11/31/2014 Andrews
3 11/31/2014 Andrews

2 Truths & a Lie

Activity: 2 Truths and a Lie

Age Group: 10 and up

Activity Category: Ice Breaker Game

Benefits: Gets to help one another know each other better

Environment: Class room

Organization of Group: Everyone stands in a circle

Number of Participants: Everyone in class or group

Objective: To get to know everyone in the group

Directions: You stand in a circle and everyone tells the class two things that are true
about them and one false thing. The class has to guess which one is the false statement.

Leadership Hints: Get everybody organized in the circle

Variations: Tell two lies and one truth

Safety Concerns: N/A

4 11/31/2014 Andrews

Pet Peeve Pass

Activity: Pet Peeve Pass

Age Group: 10 and up

Activity Category: Ice Breaker Game

Benefits: To get to know each other in the group

Equipment: Roll of toilet paper

Environment: Classroom or large space

Organization of the Group: Everyone sits or stands in a circle

Number of participants: Everyone in the group

Objective: Learn about everyones pet peeves

Directions: It starts with the class in a circle and they pass around a roll of toilet paper.
Everybody takes as many strips of toilet paper as they want. When everyone is done they
find out they have to tell the class one pet peeve for every sheet of toilet paper they took
from the roll.

Leadership Hints: Make sure the toilet paper does not get thrown and make sure
everyone takes at least a square.

Variations: When someone says their pet peeve, at the end, whoever can remember the
most pet peeves at the end is the winner.

Safety Concerns: N/A

5 11/31/2014 Andrews

Soloman Silent

Activity: Soloman Silent

Age Group: 10 and up

Activity Category: Ice Breaker

Benefits: To help break the tension of a new group

Equipment: N/A

Environment: Class room or large space

Organization of the Group: The class or group will divide into two lines facing each other

Number of Participants: The entire class or group

Objective: To help break the tension of the group and bring out peoples personalities

Directions: The class lines up in two lines and one person starts by walking past the entire
line without laughing or smiling or anything. Everybody standing in the lines is trying to
make them laugh or smile the whole time. This game sounds a lot easier than it actually
is, especially if you have a lot of clowns in the class.

Leadership Hints: Encourage to really make the person try to laugh in the people. Dont
let people be to shy.

Variations: Have two people walk down the middle and first one to crack a laugh loses.

Safety Concerns: When trying to make people laugh try not to be too rough or make a
person uncomfortable.
6 11/31/2014 Andrews

Sit Down If

Activity: Sit Down If

Age Group: 10 and up

Activity Category: Ice Breaker

Benefits: To help get to know one another

Equipment: Pen/Pencil, Piece of paper

Organization of the Group: Everyone stays where they are at

Number of Participants: Everyone in the group or class

Objective: To further understand one another

Directions: Get everyone to stand up, and then read through the list that you made up for the
game. The last person standing is the winner!

Leadership Hints: Make sure everyone have creative things written down so the game lasts

Variations: Instead of sitting down after one thing you have done, have a 3 strike rule

Safety Concerns: N/A

7 11/31/2014 Andrews

Guess the Person

Activity: Guess the Person

Age Group: 10 and up

Activity Category: Ice Breaker

Benefits: To work as a group to win at the game

Equipment: Hat/Bucket, piece of paper and pen or pencil

Organization of Group: If large group split into groups of 8-12

Number of Participants: 8-12 people in a group

Objective: To help teambuilding skills

Directions: Each person should write down the names of 10 people - either famous
people or people everyone in the group knows. Get people to cut their pieces of paper up
so there's one name per piece of paper. Go around and collect them in a basket or
hat. You should have quite a few names in the basket. Split into 2 or 3 teams (each team
having around three or four members).
Round One:
Pick a team to start - one member of that team gets the basket of names, picks out a
name, and has to try and describe that person to the other members of his team. Once
they guess correctly, pull out another name from the hat and so on. The team has one
minute to go through as many names as they can. If they get stuck on a name, they can
pass and move onto the next name. Names that are guessed successfully put in a separate
pile, those that are 'passed' put back in the basket. When the minute is up, add up the
total number of names guessed, and add that to the team's score. Move onto the next
team who do the same as above. This continues until all the names have been used up or
Round Two:
Similar to Round 1 but you can only use one word to describe the person to your
group. The group will be aware of all the names in the basket (from round 1) so it is
easier than it sounds. Score a point per name guessed as above.
Round Three:
Same as previous rounds but this time, you have to 'act' out the person without
speaking. Add up the scores at the end to see who wins.

Leadership Hints: Make sure the rules are being followed accordingly

Variations: Instead of famous people you could use characters from movies
8 11/31/2014 Andrews

The Toaster Game

Activity: The Toaster Game

Age Group: 10 and up

Activity Category: Ice Breaker

Benefits: To get to know the group better while having fun

Equipment: Toaster, Loaf of Bread, and crazy ingredients

Environment: Large class or space

Organization of Group: Have every0ne sit in a circle around a toaster

Number of Participants: Everyone in the group

Objective: To have a good time at the same time get to know one another

Directions: Everyone sits in a circle. In the middle of the circle is a toaster. Put a piece of
bread in the toaster and pop it down. Once the toast is down, go round the circle and
people have to quickly say one thing about themselves. When the toast pops up, the
person talking has to eat the toast with whatever topping you (the leader) decides. Start
off with simple ingredients such as jam, butter, etc. and slowly add more unusual ones
(like potato, ice-cream, mashed banana). Works best if you have the toaster on a short

Leadership Hints: Keep the toaster on a short cycle to keep the game moving and bring
really crazy ideas to eat.

Variations: Instead of bread you can use a popcorn kernel and when it pops you have to
dip it in sauces.

Safety Concerns: Make sure the person ingesting isnt allergic and dont use anything
that can make people sick.
9 11/31/2014 Andrews

Anyone Who?

Activity: Anyone Who?

Age Group: 10 and up

Activity Category: Ice Breaker

Benefits: To help get to know the people in the group

Equipment: Sheet of pre-made paper and pen or pencil

Organization of group: Everyone stands up and walks around

Number of Participants: Everyone in the group

Objective: To familiarize yourself with the group

Directions: You need to print out a piece of paper for each person with something like
Someone who has been to the Someone who prefers Someone who roots for the
Grand Canyon custard over jelly Chicago Bulls

Someone who has been on an Someone who reads Someone who knows the first and
airplane in the past 12 months comics last letters of the Greek alphabet

Someone who has been skiing Someone who is Someone who still owns a teddy
wearing red bear

People then have to find someone in the room, who fits the criteria, and have them sign
or initial their name in the box - for example, if someone has been to the Grand Canyon,
they can sign their name in the box. When all boxes are complete, you are done! It can
either be a competition to see who finishes first, or simply an exercise everyone
completes. You can obviously change the questions to suit your group.

Leadership Hints: Make the paper as creative as possible

Variations: Have everyones paper be different so people arent looking for the same

Safety Concerns: N/A

10 11/31/2014 Andrews

Year of the Coin

Activity: Year of the Coin

Age Group: 10 and up

Activity Category: Ice Breaker

Benefits: Encourages to talk and share with other people

Equipment: Arrangement of coins

Environment: Large class or space

Organization of the Group: Organize people into groups of 4 to 10 people

Number of Participants: 4 to 10 people to a group

Objective: Share life experiences and get to know one another

Directions: Start with a handful of coins and hand out one coin to each person. You then
go around the group and each person has to look at the year their coin was made
(generally printed on the coin) and tell the rest of the group what they were doing in that
year. It can be something significant or very insignificant (the whole aim is to learn
something about each other).

Leadership Hints: Get coins that best represent the age group, dont get coins where
people werent alive

Variations: As well as something to that year about yourself, tell something in history
that happened that year as well

Safety Concerns: N/A

11 11/31/2014 Andrews


Activity: Screamer

Age Group: 10 and up

Activity Category: Ice Breaker

Benefits: To help make each other comfortable with one another

Equipment: N/A

Environment: Large class or space

Organization of Group: Everyone stands in a circle

Number of Participants: Everyone in the group

Objective: To help get to make each comfortable with one another and have fun

Directions: This ice breaker game starts with everybody standing in a circle and looking
down. When the instructor says look up everybody has to look at another classmate in
the circle. If the same two classmates look at each other than those two people have to
scream as loud as they can than the other person and if they dont scream louder than the
other classmate, they are out. The more people you lose the more you have to move the
circle in the last two in the circle win.

Leadership Hints: Make sure you are in an area where you are not disrupting anybody.

Variations: Instead of screaming you can see who can laugh louder than the other.

Safety Concerns: Dont scream so long you pass out

12 11/31/2014 Andrews

Barnyard Game

Activity: Barnyard Game

Age Group: 10 and up

Activity Category: Ice Breaker

Benefits: To help make each other comfortable

Equipment: N/A

Environment: Large Class or Space

Organization of Group: Have everyone spread out

Number of Participants: As many in the group or class

Objective: To work as a group to figure who you are with

Directions: Either in the dark or in a lighted room. While the participants are coming
into the room assign them animals (i.e.: Donkey, Chicken, Horse, and Elephant; get
creative). Tell them not to tell anyone what animal they are. They have to find everyone
else with the same animal that they have. They do this by making the animal sounds
(They may NOT talk). Give them a while, and when it seems like they've all found their
groups, let them stop. You can also play other games with the groups they've made. They
can do some mixers in the small groups - get to know each other. NOTE: You can have
each group hold hands once they've found their group.

Leadership Hints: Make sure everyone is sage and maybe have a flashlight to monitor
where people are at.

Variations: You can do this in either a dark room or in a lighted room

Safety Concerns: Try to keep an idea of where your surroundings are and not run into
13 11/31/2014 Andrews
14 11/31/2014 Andrews

Another Shoe Game

Activity: Another Shoe Game

Age Group: 10 and up

Activity Category: Team Building

Benefits: Work as a team to accomplish a common goal

Equipment: Just your shoes

Environment: Large room or space

Organization of Group: Group must split into two teams

Number of Participants: Everyone in the group

Objective: To work as a team to beat the other team

Directions: In those teams everyone takes one shoe off and puts them into the team pile.
From there the team starts about 20 feet away from the shoes. When the teacher says go,
everyone goes to grab a different shoe from their teams pile (not their own). After that
the teams have to find the matching shoes and make them touch without falling off their
feet. The first team to touch every shoe together wins.

Leadership Hints: Have everyone spread out so they are not running into each other

Variations: Instead of touching every shoe to win you must go back down to the original
shoe that you started off with

Safety Concerns: Be weary of your surroundings and try and not trip over each others
15 11/31/2014 Andrews

3, 2, 1 Ball Up Toss

Activity: 3, 2, 1 Ball up Toss

Age Group: 10 and up

Activity Category: Team Building

Benefits: To work as a team and work for a common goal

Equipment: Play balls

Environment: Large area or class room

Organization of Group: Have the group break into groups of four to five people

Number of Participants: Groups of 4 to 5

Objective: To work as a team to not catch your own ball and beat the other groups

Directions: This game starts by getting into teams of four or five. From there you give
each other three or four balls depending on their team size. They stand in a circle and
when the teacher counts down (3, 2, and 1, go) the team throws all the balls in the air at
the same time. The challenge that the team has to catch every ball thrown in the air, but
they cant catch the ball they threw in the air themselves.

Leadership Hints: Get a variety of balls so its not easy catching the same ball as your

Variations: Instead of catching one ball instead of your own, whoever can catch the most
balls besides their own wins.

Safety Concerns: Be careful not to run into someone when catching the balls
16 11/31/2014 Andrews


Activity: Minefield

Age Group: 10 and up

Activity Category: Team Building

Benefits: To improve your team building skills

Equipment: Bags or something to walk over

Environment: Large class or large space

Organization of Group: Have the class partner up

Number of Participants: Everyone in the class

Objective: To work as a team and win

Directions: The entire class puts their bags or something they have on the field.
Everybody starts on a line in front of the minefield of bags but they have to keep their
eyes shut. The way to get through the minefield is by listening to their partner tell them
where to step and how far. If they run into a bag then the duo is out.

Leadership Hints: Keep an eye on the participants and make sure they do not run and
hurt themselves.

Variations: You can have one person tell you the truth while the other one lies and you
have to figure out which one is telling the truth.

Safety Concerns: Make sure the participants dont run into one another or fall over.
17 11/31/2014 Andrews

Human Letters
Activity: Human Letters

Age Group: 10 and up

Activity Category: Team Building

Benefits: Work as a team and increase those attributes

Equipment: N/A

Environment: Large space or classroom

Organization of Group: Groups of 4 to 5

Number of Participants: Everyone in the class

Objective: To work as a team and win

Directions: The point of the game is to spell out the words that the teacher calls out
while laying down on the floor with the bodies that you have on your team. You should
be in teams of four or five so that the words dont get too long. The first team that spells
the word right wins.

Leadership Hints: Make complex words so it is difficult for participants to spell out

Variations: Instead of lying down have the participants stand up to make the words

Safety Concerns: Be careful when forming words not to bump into each other
18 11/31/2014 Andrews

Hula Hoop Pass

Activity: Hula Hoop Pass

Age Group: 5 and up

Activity Category: Team Building

Benefits: Improve team building skills

Equipment: Hula hoops

Environment: Gym or large outdoor area

Organization of Group: Have everyone stand in a circle

Number of Participants: Everyone in the class or group

Directions: A hula hoop is hooked on to one person. When the teacher says go the
students try to pass the hula hoop all the way around the circle without coming
unconnected. The first team to get the hula hoop all the way around everyone wins.

Leadership Hints: Have short and tall people stand next to each other to increase the

Variations: Have multiple hoops going at the same time and dont let them touch

Safety Concerns: Be careful when moving the hoop and dont drag anybody down when
advancing the hoop
19 11/31/2014 Andrews

Game of Possibilities

Activity: Game of Possibilities

Age Group: 10 and up

Activity Category: Team Building

Benefits: Improve team building skills

Equipment: Napkins

Environment: Classroom or small area

Organization of Group: Groups of 4 to 5

Number of Participants: Everyone in the class or group

Objective: To figure what that team member is doing first to win

Directions: Each group of four or five is given a cloth napkin. One person in the group
demonstrates use of the napkin without speaking and the group has to guess what the use
is. The first group to guess the use of the napkin wins.

Leadership Hints: Put people together that are unfamiliar with one another to make the game
more challenging

Variations: Instead of napkins use other items such as paper

Safety Concerns: N/A

20 11/31/2014 Andrews

Drop the Ball

Activity: Drop the Ball

Age Group: 10 and up

Activity Category: Team Building

Benefits: To improve team building skills

Equipment: Straws, tape and golf balls

Environment: Small area

Organization of Group: 4 to 5 people in a group

Number of Participants: Everyone in the class or group

Objective: Safely secure the golf ball and win the challenge

Directions: Each small group receives 12 straws and 18 inches of tape. They get ten
minutes to build a container that will catch a golf ball dropped from abbot ten feet. Each
group selects a ball dropper that stands on a chair holding the ball at eye level. That
group places its container on the floor under where it thinks the ball will land. Each
group gets three attempts. The group that gets a ball to go in and stay in its container

Leadership Hints: Give hints on what the teams could do to improve but dont build the

Variations: Instead of a golf ball use a heavier item to safely secure

Safety Concerns: N/A

21 11/31/2014 Andrews


Activity: Winner/Loser

Age Group: 10 and up

Activity Category: Team Building

Benefits: To improve team building skills

Equipment: N/A

Environment: Small Area or Classroom

Organization of the Group: Partner up

Number of Participants: Everyone in the class

Objective: To share life experiences and possible help someone in need

Directions: One partner tells the other partner about something bad that happened to
them. This can be personal or work related and can have occurred recently or years ago. It
must be something that is over. They can take about two minutes to do this. The same
partner tells the same story but this time relates the good things that came from the
experience. The listening partner can help them explore the good that came from the bad.
The class experiences a way to let go of the negative attitudes and emotional baggage.

Leadership Hints: Start the group off so they are more comfortable in telling a story

Variations: Tell a positive story and find a way that situation could have been different

Safety Concerns: N/A

22 11/31/2014 Andrews

Ten Ways to Kill a New Idea

Activity: Ten Ways to Kill a New Idea

Age Group: 10 and up

Activity Category: Team Building

Benefits: To improve team building skills

Equipment: Jar

Environment: The class or small area

Organization of the Group: No arrangement

Number of Participants: The entire group

Objective: To improve more positive thoughts and improve team building

Directions: A list of negative phrases and words is posted in a room. Anyone who uses
any of the idea-killer phrases must put a quarter in the nega-jar. This game is a good
team builder to help kids think of suggesting things in a positive way.

Leadership Hints: Encourage more positive thoughts and come up with ideas that
satisfy the whole group

Variations: There are multiple reasons who can have a jar, when someone does a good
deed, the group does well in an activity etc.

Safety Concerns: N/A

23 11/31/2014 Andrews

Mission Statement

Activity: Mission Statement

Age Group: 10 and up

Activity Category: Team Building

Benefits: To improve team building skills

Equipment: N/A

Environment: Class or small area

Organization of the Group: No organization

Number of Participants: Everyone in the group or class

Objective: To build morale and bring the group together

Directions: Each person finishes the sentence, My vision of a team that works is This
entire team now creates one statement or visual that represents the total of these vision
statements. If two people have the same vision then they partner up, and try to convince
people to join them over the second pairing that had the same vision. The vision that has
more joined their group wins.

Leadership Hints: Help start the statement

Variations: Start with a different phrase

Safety Concerns: N/A

24 11/31/2014 Andrews
25 11/31/2014 Andrews

Sharks & Minnows

Activity: Sharks and Minnows

Age Group: 5 and up

Activity Category: Active Game

Benefits: Improve cardiovascular endurance, have fun and build friendships

Equipment: N/A

Environment: Gym or large area outside

Organization of the Group: Have everyone stand on one side of the court and one
person in the middle

Number of Participants: Everyone in the class or group

Objective: To be the last one standing, wins

Directions: This game starts with one person being a shark and the rest being minnows.
The minnows start on the sideline of the basketball court. The minnows try to run back
and forth without getting tagged by the shark. If they get tagged then they become a
shark and try to tag more people. The last minnow standing is the winner.

Leadership Hints: Have a fast kid in the middle first to get kids out faster

Variations: Start with more than one person in the middle

Safety Concerns: Be careful not to run into other people

26 11/31/2014 Andrews


Activity: Gauntlet

Age Group: 10 and up

Activity Category: Active Game

Benefits: Improve reflexes, cardiovascular health and build friendships

Equipment: Dodgeballs

Environment: Gym

Organization of the Group: Split into 2 teams

Number of Participants: Everybody in the group or class

Objective: To be the winning team

Directions: One team starts out as the throwing team where they all stand on the
sideline of the field of play with balls to throw at the other team. While that team is
throwing the other team is trying to run through the gauntlet without getting hit by a

Leadership Hints: Get softer balls so people dont get hurt

Variations: Have less or more balls to play with

Safety Concerns: Try not throw at the head to avoid injury

27 11/31/2014 Andrews


Activity: Dodgeball

Age Group: 10 and up

Activity Category: Active Game

Benefits: To improve cardiovascular health and team work

Equipment: Dodgeballs

Environment: Gym

Organization of the Group: Split up into two teams

Number of Participants: 6 per team

Objective: To beat the other team by eliminating the other players

Directions: This game starts by splitting the class up into teams of 6. The teams are
separated at the start standing on the end lines at opposite ends of the court. In the
middle are 6 dodge balls that the teams use. When the teacher says go the teams sprints
to the balls in the middle, grab what they can, and have to go back and touch the line
they started on. After that, the teams can start throwing balls to hit each other. The point
of the game is to hit an opponent with the Dodgeball (no headshots). If the opponent
catches the ball then the person who threw the ball is out. The first team to eliminate the
other team is the winner.

Leadership Hints: Be the referee for each game and settle disputes

Variations: Use less balls or have more players on the court at one time

Safety Concerns: Dont aim for the head and be weary where your teammates are
28 11/31/2014 Andrews

5 on 5 Basketball

Activity: 5 on 5 Basketball

Age Group: 5 and up

Activity Category: Active Game

Benefits: Improve cardiovascular health, endurance and build friendships

Equipment: Basketball

Environment: Gym

Organization of the Group: Teams of 5

Number of Participants: Everyone in the class

Objective: To be the best team and win

Directions: This game is between two teams played with normal basketball rules. The
only exceptions would be that the game is played at one hoop with taking the ball back
past the three point line on a missed shot rebounded by the defensive team. The first
team to score 11 points wins the game.

Leadership Hints: Be a referee for the games and call fouls and keep track of the score

Variations: Play a best 2 out of 3 or play to 21

Safety Concerns: Watch the hard fouls

29 11/31/2014 Andrews


Activity: Knockout

Age Group: 7 and up

Activity Category: Active Game

Benefits: Builds competitiveness and builds friendships

Equipment: Basketball

Environment: Gym

Organization of the Group: Everyone lines up in a line on 3 point line

Number of Participants: Everyone in the group or class

Objective: To beat all the other players

Directions: Knockout is a game where everyone lines up on the free throw line of a
basketball court. You play with two balls and as many players as you want. The first
player in line shoots the ball; he or she is trying to make it before the person behind them
does. If the person behind the first makes it before they do then the first shooter is out.
This pattern continues until the line gets down to one person (the winner).

Leadership Hints: Be the judge and call out who is out

Variations: You can play redemption so you can come back into the game

Safety Concerns: Watch out for other players

30 11/31/2014 Andrews

Four Square

Activity: Four Square

Age Group: 5 and up

Activity Category: Active Game

Benefits: Improves hand eye coordination and builds friendships

Equipment: Dodgeball

Environment: Black top

Organization of the Group: Groups of 4

Number of Participants: Everyone in the group

Objective: To outlast the other players

Directions: This game is played with four people and a Dodgeball. Each person plays in
their own square drawn out on the ground. It starts with a server hitting the ball to
anyone of the other three squares. The next player has to hit the ball to another player in
one of the squares. The ball must touch the ground before a person trys to hit it to
another player. If it bounces twice or the player cannot handle the bounce then they are

Leadership Hints: Be a judge on who is out or not

Variations: Play with a no bounce rule

Safety Concerns: Dont hit the ball to hard that would hurt the other players
31 11/31/2014 Andrews


Activity: Tug-O-War

Age Group: 5 and up

Activity: Active Game

Benefits: Build muscular strength and have competition

Equipment: One giant rope

Environment: A large area

Organization of the Group: Split into two teams

Number of Participants: As many as the rope can hold

Objective: To be the better team and pull the other team down

Directions: To play tug-o-war, you will need at least two players (more is better), a line
(even if it is just a towel or line drawn in the dirt), and a long rope. Divide into two teams.
Have one team stand on one side of the line, holding onto one end of the rope. On the
other side of the line, have the other team hold onto the other end of the rope.
Whichever teams pulls a member of the other team over the line, wins. Age group is for
elementary kids.

Leadership Hints: Be the judge on who wins at the line

Variations: Play with different lengths of rope

Safety Concerns: Be careful pulling and try and not hurt the other team if you have a
distinct advantage over them
32 11/31/2014 Andrews

Red Light, Green Light

Activity: Red Light, Green Light

Age Group: 5 and up

Activity Category: Active Game

Benefits: Improve cardiovascular health, reflexes and have fun

Equipment: N/A

Environment: Large area or a gym

Organization of the Group: Everyone take one side of the court and one person is in
the middle

Number of Participants: Everyone in the class or group

Objective: To be the first to make it to the light

Directions: One player is the light while everyone else stands with their back to the
group. When the light says, green light! everyone can move forward from the starting
point. When the light says, red light, everyone must freeze. The light then quickly turns
around to face the group and if anyone is still moving, the light sends them back to the
starting point. When a player makes it to where the light is standing without being
caught, they have won and get to be the light for the next game.

Leadership Hints: Judge on who is out or not

Variations: Have the person go to the light and then have them go back to the beginning

Safety Concerns: Be careful when you run and dont run into anybody
33 11/31/2014 Andrews

Duck, Duck, Goose

Activity: Duck, Duck, Goose

Age Group: 5 and up

Activity Category: Active Game

Benefits: Improves reflexes and cardiovascular health

Equipment: N/A

Environment: Large Area

Organization of the Group: Have everyone sit in a group and one person standing

Number of Participants: Everyone in the group

Objective: To have fun and not be the goose

Directions: Everyone sits in a circle, facing in. One player is chosen to start the game.
They walk around the outside of the circle and gently touch each player on the head
while saying duck. If they say goose instead of duck, the player who was called
goose must jump up and run around the circle in the opposite direction than the player
that called them goose. Both players are racing for the empty sitting spot in the circle.
Whoever gets there first, sits down. The player who doesnt have anywhere to sit now
goes around the circle saying duck or goose. If there is a tie (the two racing players get
to the sitting spot at the same time), the person who was called goose gets the spot and
the other player has to go around again, choosing a new goose.

Leadership Hints: Be the judge on who makes the seat first

Variations: Instead of running, you could skip or do different variations of running

Safety Concerns: Be careful when you run and dont run into anyone
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Three-Legged Races

Activity: Three-Legged Race

Age Group: 5 and up

Activity Category: Active Game

Benefits: Improves coordination and teamwork

Equipment: Pieces of rope

Environment: Large playing area

Organization of the Group: Partners

Number of Participants: Everyone in the group or class

Objective: To be the first one to the finish line

Directions: Stand beside your partner and tie one of your legs to one of theirs. (For
example, your left leg and their right leg or your right leg and their left leg.) Now try
walking and running. First pair to the finish line wins.

Leadership Hints: Be the judge on who wins the race if it is close

Variations: You can add more people to the chain to make it even harder

Safety Concerns: Be careful not to run at your partners speed so you dont injure
yourself or your partner.
35 11/31/2014 Andrews
36 11/31/2014 Andrews

Giants, Wizards, & Elves

Activity: Giants, Wizards and Elves

Age Group: 10 and up

Activity Category: Passive Game

Benefits: To have fun and build friendships

Equipment: N/A

Environment: Anywhere

Organization of the Group: Partner Up

Number of Participants: Two People

Objective: To beat the other person

Directions: This game is the same as rock, paper, & scissors; except you are using giants,
wizards, and elves. If you choose giant you have to put your hands up and scream. If you
choose elves you have to squat down. If you choose wizards you have to act like you are
putting a spell on the opponent. Giants beat elves, wizards beat giants, and elves beat

Leadership Hints: Coordinate a tournament to see who is the best.

Variations: You can use different characters as oppose to giants, wizards and elves.

Safety Concerns: N/A

37 11/31/2014 Andrews

Auto Trip

Activity: Auto Trip

Age Group: 10 and up

Activity Category: Passive Game

Benefits: To have fun and build friendships

Equipment: N/A

Environment: Classroom

Organization of the Group: Group sits in a circle while one is in the middle

Number of Players: Everybody can participate

Objective: Not to be in the middle

Directions: Players sit in a circle and are assigned names of auto parts. The storyteller
tells a story of an auto trip. As the player tells the story, the parts mentioned get up and
follow him/her. When the storyteller yells blowout each player scrambles for a seat. The
one left out becomes the next storyteller.

Leadership Hints: Have a blowout often so people have to think on the fly on their

Variations: Instead of a car ride let it be a boat ride and have voyages across certain seas.

Safety Concerns: Be careful when running to a seat

38 11/31/2014 Andrews

Beat the Bunny

Activity: Beat the Bunny

Age Group: 5 and up

Activity Category: Passive Game

Benefits: To have a good time and work as a team

Equipment: A bunny and a ball

Environment: Classroom or small area

Organization of the Group: Group is seated in a circle

Number of Players: Everybody can participate

Objective: Have the farmer catch the bunny

Directions: The bunny (small ball) is started first and is passed from kid to kid around
the circle. When the bunny is about half way around, the farmer (large ball) is started in
the same direction. The farmer and the bunny can change directions if needed. The
farmer needs to catch the bunny in order to win.

Leadership Hints: Mix up who starts with the balls

Variations: Use multiple farmers to try and catch the bunny

Safety Concerns: Be careful when throwing or passing the ball to avoid injury
39 11/31/2014 Andrews


Activity: Buzz

Age Group: 10 and up

Activity Category: Passive Game

Benefits: To help improve cognitive skills and have fun

Equipment: N/A

Environment: Anywhere

Organization of the Group: However people are arranged

Number of Players: As many as want to participate

Objective: To be the last one standing

Directions: The players must substitute buzz for the multiples of seven. The class starts
counting and every time somebody says a multiple of seven instead of buzz they are out.
Then the class must start over after that.

Leadership Hints: Have the multiple of seven sheet with you so when the count gets
higher you know which numbers need to be buzzed.

Variations: Instead of using multiple of sevens, you can use any different multiple as well

Safety Concerns: N/A

40 11/31/2014 Andrews

Chicken Picks

Activity: Chicken Picks

Age Group: 10 and up

Activity Category: Passive Game

Benefits: To have fun

Equipment: A rubber chicken

Environment: Classroom or small area

Organization of the Group: Have every one sit in a circle with someone in the middle

Number of Players: As many that want to play

Objective: Name the most things

Directions: Players sit in a circle and one player goes into the middle. A topic is chosen
and the rubber chicken starts at one person and is passed around the circle. The person in
the middle must list as many things as they can from the topic, but they only have
however long that the chicken makes it around the circle once. When the chicken gets
back to the starting point, the person must stop talking. A designated counter should be
in the group to count how many objects they are able to list. The person that is able to list
the most objects is the winner.

Leadership Hints: Be the official counter to keep track who wins.

Variations: Have the chicken go around than one time.

Safety Concerns: N/A

41 11/31/2014 Andrews


Activity: Electrify

Age Group: 5 and up

Activity Category: Passive Game

Equipment: N/A

Environment: Small Area

Organization of the Group: Everyone sits in a circle

Number of Players: As many that want to play

Objective: Find where the current is coming from

Directions: The group sits in a circle holding hands while someone sits in the center.
The game commences with one person proclaiming that they are going to send a charge
to the person beside them and proceeds to squeeze the hand of their neighbor. The
person in the middle tries to figure out where the current is. If successful, he exchanges
places with the immediate sender of the charge.

Leadership Hints: For younger groups , start someone off with a charge.

Variations: N/A

Safety Concerns: Try not to squeeze peoples hands to hard

42 11/31/2014 Andrews

Fight for My Attention

Activity: Fight for my Attention

Age Group: 10 and up

Activity Category: Passive Game

Equipment: N/A

Environment: Small Area

Organization of the Group: Every sits besides the two in the front

Number of Players: As many as you want

Objective: Beat the other person in the argument

Directions: Two people are challenged to come up to the front of the room and the
audience then chooses a topic. The two people must talk about that topic for one minute
in front of the crowd, but they are both talking about the topic at the same time. The
audience must then vote on which person held their attention for longer.

Leadership Hints: Pick two people in the front that are good debaters and are equally

Variations: Instead of talking about the same topic, have an argument on a certain topic
and debate.

Safety Concerns: N/A

43 11/31/2014 Andrews


Activity: Ghost

Age Group: 10 and up

Activity Category: Passive Game

Benefits: Have fun and teach people to be quiet

Equipment: N/A

Environment: Small Area

Organization of the Group: Scattered around the room

Number of Players: As many as needed

Objective: To be the last one not a ghost

Directions: Three or four players are chosen to be the ghosts. The rest of the group
needs to scatter across the playing space and choose a spot to stand in. All players need to
close their eyes. The ghosts will roam about the playing space. They will try to kill the
people standing close behind the players for 10 seconds without them knowing. If this
happened, the ghost will tap them on their head and they will sit down quietly. If a
person suspects a person behind them, they would ask, Is there a ghost behind me? If
they are right then they become a ghost. If they are wrong they are out and should sit

Leadership Hints: Pick people that are known to be quiet to make the game more

Variations: Instead of the ghosts moving, have the players move and try to find the

Safety Concerns: N/A

44 11/31/2014 Andrews

Good Morning Captain

Activity: Good Morning Captain

Age Group: 10 and up

Activity Category: Passive Game

Benefits: Have fun and get to know your peers

Equipment: N/A

Environment: Small Area

Organization of the Group: Large group sits near each other with captain on the side

Number of players: As many as you want

Objective: To be the last one seated

Directions: The captain sits slightly apart from the group and is blindfolded. The leader
indicates a player who says Good Morning Captain! The captain tries to name the
speaker. If he responds I said good morning captain! If the captain correctly identifies
the speaker he retains his position. If not the player becomes the new captain. Players
should try to disguise their voices.

Leadership Hints: Have people that can speak in different voices in the group and have
them talk frequently.

Variations: You can say different sayings and be different characters

Safety Concerns: N/A

45 11/31/2014 Andrews

Ha Ha Ha

Activity: Ha Ha Ha

Age Group: 10 and up

Activity Category: Passive Game

Benefits: Have a good time

Equipment: N/A

Environment: Small Area

Organization of the Group: Everyone lies down in a line on their back

Number of Players: As many as you want

Objective: Not be the person to laugh

Directions: This is a contagious laughing game. player #1 lies on their back and places
their head on the belly of player #2 (at right angles of player #1). Player #3 then places
their head on the belly of player #2 and so on. Players should end up lying in a zig zag
formation. Now the first person shouts out Ha! and the next person answers with ha
ha! etc. Soon everyone loses control and starts laughing hysterically. Once someone
laughs they need to start again.

Leadership Hints: Throw in a couple laughs to throw the group off guard

Variations: Instead of laughing, start with a yawn and try to see who actually really
yawns first.

Safety Concerns: N/A

46 11/31/2014 Andrews

Works Cited

- Icebreaker Games | Great Group Games. (n.d.). Retrieved December 4, 2014, from
- Index examples. (n.d.). Retrieved December 4, 2014, from
- Ready... Set... Go! The best game ideas, resources and activities for birthday parties,
picnics, youth groups, summer camps, company events, educators, family life, home
schooling or just for the fun of it. And the winner is... (n.d.). Retrieved December 4, 2014,
- Low Energy, Table and Circle Games! (n.d.). Retrieved December 4, 2014, from
47 11/31/2014 Andrews

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