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Rhetorical Awareness

I think that this definition really excelled in its purpose and I think you did a very good job in

explaining aerobic exercise in depth. You defined most of your terms, and while I know a ton

about aerobic fitness being a health science major, you defined everything that a normal reader

would not know. The writer was focused on educating and I think they did a very good job on


Ethical Research

The writer would usually use a mix of paraphrasing and direct quoting. I saw MLA formatting

with the source in parenthesis after the quote. The writer did use a variety of sources, but I think

you could add a couple more in to make the definition stronger. Other than that, great job in this



The writer backs a ton of claims and statements by valid sources to make them more thorough. I

enjoyed the format of introducing the claim or the statement, then building on that by backing it

up with evidence. I do not think that the writer was biased at all and it was fully objective on the

word itself and educating about that word.


I think that the definition was organized well. They started with the one sentence definition and

followed it by a general introduction which was good. After that there were subdivisions that

made understanding the term much easier, and it was very straightforward with a chronological
order of paragraphs and logical headings. You tied together all the definitions and the terms

perfectly and I think the paragraphs were unified right. Great job!


The language was great and I think that it was effective in getting the point across and educating

people. Everything was defined well and it was not boring. There was no biased language and

the writer was really just focused on educating the reader. I think that you did a really good job

with the language side of this paper!


This writing was very similar to the style of Wikipedia pages which made it very easy to read. I

enjoyed the subsections and how you spaced everything out. The headers were all

chronologically in sync just like a Wikipedia page would be. Great job on this paper overall, I

enjoyed reading it!

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