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1. o ng vi cu iu kin:

a. iu kin loi 1: If clause = Should + S + V(tr v ng t nguyn mu)

If he comes late, he will miss the train = Should he come,..

b. iu kin loi 2: If clause = Were + S + (not) to V / Were + S

If I were you, I would never meet him again = Were I you,..

If I knew her, I would invite her to my party = Were I to know her,.

If I didnt get high score, my parents would criticise me = Were I not to get high..

c. iu kin loi 3: If clause = Had + S + (not) PII

If it hadnt been for my help, she would have missed the meeting = Had it not been for
my help,.

2. No, not:

No/Not + N + o ng

Ex1: She didnt shed any tear when the story ended in tragedy

Not a tear did she shed when the story ended in tragedy.

Ex2: I shall lend you no money.

No money shall I lend you.

3. Seldom/ hardly(ever)/rarely/scarcely/little/never +o ng

Ex: Never (in my life) have I seen such a beautiful girl.

Ti Liu ca Kys Chia s ti liu & thi cht lng THPT 2018 | Trang 1
4. Only:

Only once/ Only later/ Only in this(that) way + N

Only then + auxiliary+ S+ V

Only after+ Noun, N

Only by V_ing / Noun, N

Only when/Only if + clause, N

Only with + N, N

Ex: Only once have I met her.

Only later did i realize that my family played an important role in my


Only when I went abroad to study, did i realize that everything was not
as easy as it seemed.

Only by doing a test every day can you feel confident.

5. At no time / on no condition / under no circumstances/ for no

reason/ in no way/ no longer/ +N

Ex: At no time (=never) did he suspect that his girlfriend was an enemy spy.

Under no circumstances could this button be touched.

He used to smoke 29 cigarettes a day.

He doesn't smoke 20 cigarettes any longer.

No longer does he smoke 20 cigarettes a day.

6. Hardly when/No sooner... than

Hardly + had + S + V3/Ved + when = no sooner + had + S + V3/Ved +

than(va xong ... th)

Ex: Hardly had she hung the clothes out when it rained.

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No sooner had I put the receiver down than he rang back.

7. Not only but also

Not only + N + but + S + also + V

Ex: Not only is he handsome but he also plays the guitar well.

8. So/ such + N

Ex: So hard did he work that he forgot this lunch

So angry was she that she broke the vase

Such + be + N + that

Ex: She was so angry that she broke the vase

Her anger was such( = so great) that...(i tnh t th{nh danh t:

angry -> anger)
Such was her anger that...

Ex: The play was so popular that the theater was full everyday.

Such as the popularity of the play that the theater was full everyday

9. Not until/ Only when + clause , N

Ex: I didt realize who he was until he came into the light.

Not until he came into the light did I realize that it was him.

10. Neither/so + N

Ex: A: I dont know how to play that game.

B: Neither do I.

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11. Nowhere + N

Ex: Nowhere could the wallet be found.

Nowhere do I feel as comfortable as I do at home.

12. Trng hp o ng c bit:

a. Hnh thc o ng vi ph t ch ni chn: (With adverbs of place):

Thng th t ph t ln trc + V + S

Ex: On the table stood a man.(A man stood on a table)

Here comes the winter.(The winter comes here)

There will take a place a big storm and heavy rain.(A big storm and
heavy rain will take a place there)

b. Hnh thc o ng vi with, now, thus, then, here, there: ch c hon

chuyn khi ch ng l danh t, ko hon chuyn khi ch ng l i t(it,
she, he,)

Ex: There comes the bus. = There it comes.(There comes it)

Now comes your turn. = Now your turn comes

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