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Dada Script:

[at the first beat drop] - Allison and Lillia walk up to center stage, face forward

[second beat drop] - Sydney walks up to Allison

Sydney starts pasting labels on Allison

Lillia starts pasting labels on herself

[all labels are pasted] - Tatiana walks in from left stage

[Tatiana] interaction with Allison

[Allison] cowers down

[Lillia] starts taking labels off Allison

[Allison] also takes labels off of herself

[when all the labels are off except quiet] Lillia starts giving Allison her labels

[Tatiana] comes back, interaction with Allison

[Allison] stands up to Tatiana

[Tatiana] walks away

[Allison] takes off quiet label

[Allison and Lillia] high five and walk off stage together


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