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Fair work commission is the appellate authority for industry related disputes in Australia.

It functions
to protect employees and industries.

Role in making

Fair work offers information regarding the entire enterprise agreements making, assess and approve
agreements. They deal with disputes regarding agreements.

It makes sure of the safety of employees. It also helps in customising the contents and terms
according to different enterprise needs.

Role in approving

Fair works makes sure that the agreement approval is precede by the following

the terms of the agreement, and the effects are explained to the employees

A voting is done

How they do- Making

They provide a framework for the contents in terms of

Pay rates

employment conditions

consultative methods

conflict resolution procedures

wage deductions

They also keep a watch on unlawful contents and offer guidance in changes to agreements

How they do- Approval

A successful vote Fair work lays out the voting situations, conditions, terms and the criteria for
successful voting.

Fair work lays out the framework for approvable contents and unlawful contents. It also tells
enterprises about the procedure for approval,

the pre-approval steps ,

Agreed by fairly chosen employees, the agreement does not exclude NES,include any unlawful terms
or designated outworker terms

the group of employees covered by the agreement was fairly chosen

the agreement specifies a date as its nominal expiry date (not more than 4 years after the date of
Commission approval)

the agreement includes a dispute settlement procedure, a flexibility clause and a consultation

The Commission checks for the clearance of the better off overall test, which requires that each of
the employees to be covered by the agreement are better off overall than under the relevant
modern award. After approval is done it issues a decision with the approved agreement. A copy is
sent to the concerned.

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