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Aaron Cluff

Professor Olabajo

English 111

November 4,2017

Gap year

In America, whenever an 18 to 19 year old tells their parents they want to take a gap year,

they often get the same answer. They are told they will never go back to college, that they will

ruin their lives by taking one year off of school. The pressure faced by students in America is

enormous, as they try to make the leap to an expensive institution. Only in America are students

not expected to take a break, as it is commonplace in Europe. Europeans only report how

beneficial these gaps in educations are for their students. In reality, there are very few negatives

for young adults to take Gap years. They are known to reduce academic fatigue, having a higher

rate of students who return to college then those who don't take a gap year, and actually help

with potential hireability when the students pursue future careers,

A gap year is normally taken around the time immediately after graduation from high

school, and right before the first semester of college.Two of the most cited benefits from gap

years are self discovery, and to help with burning oneself out academically. Most students that

take gap years are 18 to 19 years old, one of the most important times in a person's life. These

times in most people's lives are when they truly discover who they are, and what they want from

the world. Students that take advantage of gap years often travel the world, discovering new

places and people, and learning about what they want from the world. Often gap years will help
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students who might be prone to burning themselves out academically get a much needed break

before jumping to a four year institution(Stepping off the conveyor belt).

Taylor of Kansas is an example of an American student who took a gap year. Like most

18 year olds, she had no idea what she wanted to do for her major, or what she wanted to do with

her life. Instead of wasting thousands of dollars going to a university to try and find what she

wanted to do, she decided to take one year off and save herself from the emotional and financial

stress she was sure to endure. She got a job and decided to work for a year, and then attend

college. She traveled, she met new people, and discovered what she wanted to do as a

career(Realstories). Taking the time off for her was very beneficial and helped her discover her

future path. There are thousands more stories like Taylors.

Students who chose a similar path to Taylors have a high rate of positive statistics. Taylor

is not alone when she discovered her future career during a gap year. Over 60 % of students say

they were set on their career path from taking a gap year. Of that number, 75 % say they are

either satisfied or extremely pleased with their careers post university. And to finish off the

percentages, over 88 % say that the gap year they took added to their employability. That number

is a staggering statistic considering how negative people consider gap years to be.

As with Taylor's case, most students do not know what they want to do with their lives,

but attend college right out of the gate due to family and social pressures. Often however, a gap

year allows for self discovery, which can be crucial to the psyche of America's youth. Some

students will use gap year programs to travel to different countries, such as India,England, or

Germany. These adventures taken as young adults is inherently beneficial, as it expands ones

global views and opens them up to things they may never have tried before. Often students will
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learn new languages to expand their potential hiring ability. Or the students will discover new

passions, such as woodworking or artistry.

How do students who typically cannot afford to make these trips to foreign places

account for the expense? Well several programs offer trips for students, such as mission trips.

They pay for the travel for students to experience other worlds and cultures(Worldrace). They

may forge relationships with others that last lifetimes.

Most students who take gap years feel they have a stronger control of their life,

education, and knowledge of their place in the world. They are reassured and refreshed, which

leads to the other strong argument in favor of gap years, how it prevents academic burn out.

Academic burnout is when a student jumps from highschool to college, only to grow frustrated

and tired at the constant flow of educational and financial stress and jumps ship.

For generations of students, they are expected to be in school from the time they are six

years old until they graduate at the age of 22, or older. 16 straight years of schooling can take its

toll, and if students do not know what they want to do for their degree, it can be very expensive.

Far too often, kids require extra years of schooling after not doing well their first few years in

college, which can add up very quickly. Taking a gap year can prevent this from happening


Taking a gap year helps students mature and become more responsible for themselves.

Research shows that gap year students have higher motivation in college, they also are better at

managing their workload and adjusting to their new environment. Gap year students often do

better their first few years of college than their counterparts, which can save them time and
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money in the future. Students that take gap years are often more confident and secure in school,

and determined to find their path.

The most common argument against gap years is the claim that once the student takes

one year off of traditional education, they will never go back to school. Research shows that this

statement is false, and the numbers show a completely different story. Over 90 % of students that

take gap years actually return to college, a rate that is higher than their peers(Benefits of gap

years) . According to this fact, taking a gap year actually improves your chances of going back to

college. Very few high schools will encourage gap years, however, as it does not make them

look good. Having students who would rather take a year off of school is not with the social

norms of education, and therefore many students never learn the benefits of gap years.

In conclusion, the stigma around gap years are proven to be false. The statistics

surrounding gap years are overwhelmingly positive, whether parents or high school teacher want

you to believe it or not. Gap years are an oncoming trend that is going to catch on, and many

think that it can only serve the people who take it well. Many gap year students will expand their

horizons, whether it be interning for a company, working, or traveling. Altogether, a gap year

will help students in their future careers.

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Works cited

Tenser, Lori I. Stepping Off the Conveyor Belt: Gap Year Effects on the First-Year

College Experience, Boston College, Ann Arbor, 2015, ProQuest Central,


"Taking a Break?" India Today, Dec 08, 2008, ProQuest Central,


N,A. Real Stories. Taking Off,


N, A. Benefits of Gap Years .,
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