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Lesson Plan (Tuesday Nov.

18, 2017)
Iowa Core Standard: 5.G.3

Student Learning Objectives:

1. I can understand that mathematics is open and creative and there are lots of ways of
seeing ideas.
2. I can make shapes with paper based on specific prompts

Blooms Taxonomy: Cognitive- Evaluating: Make judgments about the value of ideas or
materials. Applying: Use a concept in a new situation or unprompted use of an abstraction.
Applies what was learned. Evaluating: Make judgments about the value of ideas or materials.

Multiple Intelligence:
1. Logical-mathematical intelligence (number/reasoning smart)
2. Spatial intelligence (picture smart)

1. Rectangular piece of paper

1. Begin with mindset video: (3mins and 12secs) Summarize video and key point.
( TOTAL 5 Minutes)
2. Set up the challenge: (need rectangular paper, extra paper)
-Start with telling the student there will be three different challenges and each
challenged will only be solved with a piece of paper. (no other materials ie: pencils, rulers)
-Allow students time to get their desk clear off and make sure all they have in front of
them is their paper. (TOTAL 5-10

3. Challenges:
-How would you fold this sheet into a smaller rectangle? [use than more than one folds]
>Private reasoning time (about 2 minutes)
>Convince your partner (about 2 minutes)
>Class discussion: Share strategies/ illustrate different ideas on the board
-How would you fold this sheet of paper to make a triangle?
> Repeat steps above
-How would you fold this sheet of paper to make a square?
>Repeat steps above (TOTAL 15 MINUTES)
4. Wrap up: (2 Minutes) [Explained on pg. 2]

1. N/A

Classroom Management Strategies:

1. (Open fist closed fist) (5-4-3-2-1)

Wrap-Up/Follow-Up: Remind students if the importance of visualizing and drawing in

mathematics, and thee power of fingers for representing numbers in the brain. (approx. 2-5

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