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Bailey L.

Ms. Jizi

UWRT 1104

21 October 2017

Research Proposal

#1: How does the U.S. agriculture industry impact the environment?

#2: My purpose in asking this question is simple. I hope to explore the unseen motives

and processes occurring around me. I have had a recent curiosity about my diet and personal

environmental impact as I didnt learn about it from neither my parents or teachers. Most

Americans have very little knowledge about food, how to make food, or the impact their food

makes on others. I want to not only inform myself, but inform others on how every choice at the

grocery store or market has a direct influence on the planet, for better or worse. One of my top

character strengths is the appreciation of beauty which is in direct relation to my question. By

exploring this topic I hope to make strides to preserve the natural world through thoughtful

choice. Another strength of mine is judgement and critical thinking which greatly inspires me to

be naturally curious and search for answers. I hope that through this inquiry I can make better,

informed decisions and carry my inquisitive spirit to other questions in my life.

#3: I know very little about my topic other than what I hear in passing from outside

resources. I have seen headlines and short clips from miscellaneous sources that definitely shed a

negative light on the American food industry, particularly the meat and dairy sectors. They often

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cite animal cruelty, excess water usage and pollution, soil destruction, habitat loss, deforestation,

etc. I lean towards believing these accusations but need significant evidence to substantiate the

claims. Otherwise I am not privy to the regulations, processes, or effects in regards to the

complicated agriculture system in the United States. I am aware of organizations such as the

FDA and EPA which are involved in regulating these sectors but am not privy to the

effectiveness or extent of their reach.

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