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Imidopyrin analgesic

Mode of Action:
It has a potent analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic action on animal body.

It is used in pain, fever, spastic condition, colic, post surgical analgesic and other
inflammatory condition.

Cattle: 10-20 gm
Horse: 10-30 gm
Sheep/ goat: 1-4 gm
Dog/ Cat: 0.5- 2.5 gm

Hyper sensitive animals

Name of the Manufacturing Form of the Concentration Presentation
product company preparation
ANALGIN Intervet SPAH Injection 500mg/ml 30 ml
ANALGIN KAPL Injection 500mg/ml 30 ml
ANALGIN Vetindia Injection 500mg/ml 30 ml
GANGIN Ethicare Injection 500mg/ml 30 ml
MORPIN Morvel Injection 500mg/ml 30 ml
VETALGIN Intervet SPAH Injection 500mg/ml 30 ml

Class: H1-blocker( alkylamine derivative )

Mode of Action:

Chlorpheniramine maleate exerts H1 receptor antagonist action along with anticholinergic and
sedative effect

Indication :

Allergic dissorder like eczema, urticaria , skin oedema , photo dermatitis , dermetitis , rhinitis ,
pregnancy toxemia, RFM , mastitis , burns , anaphylatic shock and reactions , insect bites ,
stomatitis , serume sickness laminitis , rumen atony in cattle

Dosage :

Cattle: 30-50 mg ( Total dose)

Dog: 0.4-2 mg/kg BW BID

Precaution :

Sedetion, CNS exitement, GI disturbances, terratogenic effects are the side effects that may occur


inj. 10mg/ml 100 ml vial 48.00
inj. 10mg/ml 30 ml vial 19.00
Inj. 10mg/ml 50 ml vial 25.00
Inj. 10 mg/ml 100 ml vial 38.00
Inj. 10mg/ml 30 ml vial 00.00
Cadistin(zydus AHL)
Inj.. 10 mg/ml 30 ml vial 16.00
Inj. 10 mg/ml 100 ml vial 33.00

Inj. 10mg/ml 30 ml vial 17.00
Inj. 10 mg/ml 100 ml vial 35.00

Inj. 10 mg/ml 30 ml vial 19.00
Inj. 10 mg/ml 100 ml vial 49.00
Inj. 10 mg/ml 30 ml vial 15.90
Inj. 10 mg/ml 100 ml vial 36.40

Inj. 10 mg/ml 10 ml vial 4.50
Inj. 10mg/ml 30 ml vial 16.60
Inj. 10 mg/ml 100 ml vial 33.30
Inj. 10 mg/ml 30 ml vial 16.00
Inj. 10 mg/ml 100 ml vial 27.00
Inj. 10 mg/ml 30ml vial 16.00
Inj. 10 mg/ml 100 ml vial 33.50


Dexamethasone and its derivatives dexamethasone sodium phosphate, dexamethasone

acetate are potent synthetic members of glucocorticoid class of steroidal drugs.

Mode of action:
It is a catabolic steroid. They are designed to break down the stored resources (fats, sugar
and proteins) of animal body, so that they may be used as fuels in the times of stress and
emergency. So it is known as Life saving drug.
Dexamethasone is a glucocorticoid agonist. It crosses the cell membrane and bind with
high affinity to specific cytoplasmic recptors. These result in modification of
transcription process and ultimately alteration in protein synthesis. This leads to
inhibition of leucocytes infiltration at the site of inflammation. So, it acts as an anti
inflammatory and immuno-suppressive drug. It is 20 30 times more potent than the
naturally occurring hormone hydrocortisone and 10 times more potent than prednisolone.

Acute inflammation, bursitis, tendonitis, arthritis, allergic skin disease, asthma,
hypersensitivity reaction, shock, tissue damage, toxemia, stress from trauma, disease,
environment, emotions and fatigue, ophthalmic inflammatory conditions, induction of
parturition, ketosis.

(Total dose)

Route of drug Cattle Sheep, Goat, Dog Cat

Administration Calf
IM/IV 10-30 mg 2-5 mg 0.5-2 mg 0.25-0.5 mg
Intra-articular 4-10 mg 0.25-5 mg 0.25-2 mg
Oral 0.25-5 mg 0.25-2 mg

Contra indications:
Late pregnancy, recent major surgery, deep corneal ulceration, diabetes mellitus, cardiac
insufficiency and renal disease.
Name of the product Manufacturing Form of the Concentration Presentation Price
company preparation (Rs.)
DEXONA Zydus AHL Inj. 4.4 mg/ml 5 ml 9.90
+DEXONA Zydus Alidac Tab. 0.5 mg 10s 2.24
DEXAMETHASONE Vetindia Inj. 4 mg/ml 5ml/10ml 18.0/36.0
DEXAL Geevet Inj. 10ml/30ml 24.0/49.0
NOVIDEX Novitech Inj. 4 mg/ml 5ml 18.00
DEXAMETHASONE KAPL Inj. 4 mg/ml 5ml/10ml
KETOCORT Intas Inj. 4 mg/ml 5ml/10ml
DEXASONE Vetnova-cadila Inj. 4 mg/ml 5ml 16.42
Class: Haemostatic

Mode of action:
It exerts haemostatic action by stabilizing the capillary wall.

Pre and Post-operative haemorrhages, Haemagalactia, Haemorrhages of various origin
Dosage: IM, IV
Cattle, Dog, Cat- 250-500mg QID

INJ 125mg/ml 2ml 19.00
2) +ETHAMCIP Cipla

TAB 250mg 10 50.35

TAB 500mg 10 90.00
INJ 125mg/ml 2ml 22.25

Class: NSAID (Propionic acid derivatives)

Mode of action:

It has analgesic , antipyretic and anti inflammatory effect. It acts by inhibiting

prostaglandins and leukotrienes. It stabilises lysosomal membrane.


Ketoprofen is used in symptomatic relief of pain, pyrexia and inflammation of musculo-

skeletal origin.


Cattle/buffalo/sheep/goat is 3mg/kg body weight,

Dog dose rate is 2mg/kg body weight
Horse dose rate is 2.2 mg/kg body weight.


At high concentrations it may cause irritation, bleeding or ulceration of gastric mucosa.

These are also termed as non-narcotic analgesics. Ketoprofen has mainly theree major
types of effect (a) anti-inflammatory effect, (b) analgesic and (c) antipyretic effect. All of
these effects are relate to the primary action of drug inhibition of arachidonate cyclo-
oxygenase and thus inhibition of the production of prostaglandinnds and thromboxanes.
There are two type of cyclo-oxygenase(COX1 AND COX2) . COX1 is a constitutive
enzyme expressed in most tissues, including blood platelet, and is involved in cell-cell
signaling and tissue homeostasis. COX2 is induced in inflammatory cells when they are
activated and is believed to be the inhibitors of both isoenzymes. Clearly the anti-
inflammatory action of Ketoprofen is related to their inhibition of COX2 and their
unwanted effects are due to their inhibition of COX1.

Side effect:

Gastrointestinal disturbance- Prostaglandins have protective effect on gastric

mucosa by modulation blood flow, increasing mucus secretion and inhibition of
acid secretion. Hence Ketoprofen used for analgesic, antipyretic and anti
inflammatory effect, also non specifically inhibit gastric prostaglandin synthesis
causing unwanted effects like dyspepsia, diarrhea, nausea, vomitiong ans serious
haemorrhages. This can be concentrated by oral administration of prostaglandins
or analogues such as misoprostol.
Renal disturbances: Prostanoids particularly PGE2 mediates a vasodilation in
response to the action of noraderenaline and angiotensin-2. Hence inhibition of these
prostanoids by ketoprofen lead to disturbed blood dynamics and a condition called
analgesic neuropathy comprising of chronic nephritis and renal papillary necrosis.
Skin reactions such as rashes, urticaria and photosensitivity.


Brand name Manufactured Form Concentration Presentation Price

of drug
By (Rs.)

BUTAGESIC K Concept Injection 100 mg/ml 30 ml 70.00

100ml 193.00

KETFEN Ethicare Injection 100 mg/ml 15ml -

KETOP Alembic Injection 100 mg/ml 15ml 46.60
100ml 195.00

NEOPROFEN Vetnex- Injection 100 mg/ml 15ml 48.00

100ml 180.00

PROFENVET Vetindia Injection 100 mg/ml 15ml 52.00

100ml 182.70

VETOPROFEN Dosch Injection 100 mg/ml 15ml 53.65

100ml 194.40

NOTE: route of administration for all producs is Intramasculer or intravenous


Oxicam NSAID(Non-Steroidal Anti- Inflammatory Drug)
Mode of action:
Inhibits the synthesis of PGE2 by more selectively inhibiting the cyclo oxygenase (cox-2)
enzyme, thereby exerting potent anti-inflammatory, anti-exudative, analgesic and anti-
pyretic effects.

* Mastitis * Sprain/Fractures
* Pneumonia * Laminitis
* Bronchopneumonia/Pleurisy * Dermatitis
* Metritis * Calf Diarrhoea
* Arthritis/Osteoarthritis * Equine Colic
* Perioperative care * Otitis
* Prolapse * Mastitis-Metritis-Agalactia
* Myositis * Degenerative Joint Disorders

Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Pig, Horse, Dog 0.5 mg/kg BW

Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Pig, Horse ,Dogs 0.2-0.3 mg/kg BW
Oral dosage for dogs (initial) 0.2mg/kgBW

Do not use in animals suffering from gasto-intestinal disorder, impaired hepatic, cardiac
and renal function or where there is an evidence of individual hyper sensitivity to the



DICLOVET-M Inj. 5mg/ml (30ml) Alembic
Inj. 5mg/ml (100ml)
MECAM Susp. 1.5mg/ml (10ml) Ethicare
Inj. 5mg/ml (30ml)
MELONEX INJ Inj. 5 mg/ml Intas
MELONEX Bolus Bol . 100mg (Strip of 4 boli Intas
box of 30 strips)
MELONEX Suspension Inj. 1.5mg/ml (10ml bottle Intas
with dispenser)
ZOBID-M Inj. 5 mg/ml (15ml) Zydus AHL
Bol. 100 mg in a strip of 4
MELOXIGIL 5 mg/ml (100 ml) G. Loucatos

Trade name: Methylprednisolone: Medrol

Methylprednisolone acetate: Depo-Medrol
Methylprednisolone sodium succinate: Solu-Medrol

Mode of action:
Methylprednisolone is a glucocorticoid anti-inflammatory drug. Anti-inflammatory
effects are complex, but they operate primarily via inhibition of inflammatory cells and
suppression of expression of inflammatory mediators. Compared to prednisolone,
Methylprednisolone is 1.25 times more potent.

Indications and Clinical Uses:

Methylprednisolone acetate is long acting depot formulation of Methylprednisolone. It is
slowly absorbed from intramuscular injection site producing glucocorticoid effects for 3-
4 weeks in some animals. Methylprednisolone acetate is used for intra articular therapy,
and inflammatory conditions.
Methylprednisolone sodium succinate is water soluble formulation intended for acute
therapy when high intravenous doses are needed for rapid effect. It is used for treatment
of shock and CNS trauma.
Methylprednisolone oral tablets are used for treatment of conditions in animals that
require short-term to long-term therapy with an intermediate acting corticosteroid. It is
used to treat dermatitis, immune-mediated diseases, intestinal diseases, and neurological
and musculoskeletal diseases. In large animals, methylprednisolone acetate is used for
treatment of inflammatory conditions of the musculoskeletal system.

Adverse Reaction and Side Effects:

Side effects from corticosteroids are many; these include polyphagia, polyuria, and
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis suppression. However, manufacturer suggests that
methylprednisolone causes less polyuria than prednisolone. Adverse effect includes GI
ulceration, hepatopathy, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, decrease thyroid hormone, decrease
protein synthesis, delayed wound healing, and immunosuppression. Dogs that receive
high doses of methylprednisolone succinate (e.g., 30mg/kg) have a risk of GI bleeding.
Secondary infection can occur as a result of immunosuppression and include
demodicosis, toxoplasmosis, fungal infection, and UTIs. In cats, methylprednisolone
acetate has caused injection site alopecia. In horses, additional adverse effect includes
risk of laminitis. In cats, methylprednisolone acetate administration causes volume
expansion as a result of fluid shift secondary to hyperglycemia. This effect appears to
increase risk of cats developing congestive heart failure following methylprednisolone
acetate administration.
Contraindications and Precautions:

Use cautiously in patients prone to ulcers and infection or in animals in which

wound healing is necessary.
Use cautiously in diabetic animals, animals with renal failure, or pregnant
Use cautiously in cats because of volume expansion, especially cats at risk of
Chronic Heart Failure.
Drug Interaction:
Like other corticosteroids, if methylprednisolone is administered with nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), there is increased risk of GI ulcers.

Instruction for Use:

Use of methylprednisolone is similar to other corticosteroids. Dose adjustment

should be made to account for different in potency.
Use of methylprednisolone acetate should be evaluated carefully because one
injection will cause glucocorticoid effects that persist for several days to weeks.


Methylprednisolone: 0.22-0.44 mg/kg q12-24h PO.

Methylprednisolone acetate: 1 mg/kg IM q1-3wk.
Methylprednisolone sodium succinate: 30 mg/kg IV and repeat at 15 mg/kg in 2-6
hours IV.
Replacement or inflammatory therapy: use 0.25-0.5 mg/kg/day

Methylprednisolone: 0.22-0.44 mg/kg q12-24h PO.

Methylprednisolone acetate: 10-20 mg/cat IM q1-3wk.
Methylprednisolone sodium succinate(for emergency use): 30 mg/kg IV and
repeat at 15 mg/kg in 2-6 hours IV.
Replacement or inflammatory therapy: use 0.25-0.5 mg/kg/day
Large animals:
Horses: 200 mg as a single total dose injected IM.
Intra articular dose: 40 to 240 mg total dose, with the average dose of 120 mg is injected
into joint space.

Sr. No. Brand Name Presantation Manufacturer Price (Rs.)

1. Elopred Tab. 4mg. x10 Elcure Pharma 45.00
Tab. 16mg x10 154.00
Inj. 40mg 125.00
Inj. 125mg 210.00
Inj. 500 mg 590.00
Inj. 1000mg 970.00
2. Deesolone Tab. 4mg x10 Paragon Pharma 50.00
Inj. 500mg 550.00
Inj. 1000mg 1020.00
3. Mypred Tab. 4mg. x10 Rasco Life Science 31.00
Tab. 16mg x10 90.00
Inj. 40mg 90.00
Inj. 125mg 195.00
Inj. 500 mg 545.00
Inj. 1000mg 996.00
4. Ranisol Inj. 500mg Ancalima 550.00
Inj. 1000mg 1100.00
5. R-Sol Inj. 200mg ARP Pharma 1190.00
6. Systapred Inj. 40mg Systacare 145.00
Inj. 500mg 263.00
Inj. 1000mg 950.00

Anti-emetic/Anti-vomiting drugs

Metoclopromide have specific action Dopamine antagonistic action blocking the
Dopamine receptors which induce emesis and also increases gastric motility and emptying
the gastric contents to posterior segment. Another significant of this medication is that it
increases the pressure at the lower esophagus, thereby preventing stomach acid from
entering the esophagus. The medication can be administered in pets with gastroenteritis or
kidney failure.

For dogs and cats:
Vomiting due to gastritis, esophageal reflux, impaction, kidney failure.

0.2 - 0.5 mg/kg BW orally
0.01-0.2 mg/kg BW (s/c or i/v)

Restlessness, excitement, extra pyramidal symptoms in young ones. Metoclopromide has
tendency to interact with drugs like cimetidine, tetracycline, insulin, diazepam, atropine
and digoxin. Therefore do not administer the medication if the pet is under treatment that
involves any of this medication.

Side effects:
Includes change in the behavior and mental states in the cat. Anxiety and frenzied behavior
is usually noted in cats. In some cases the medication can also cause symptoms of nausea,
sedation and mild constipation.

+EMENIL Astra Zeneca

TAB 10mg 10s 5.13

INJ 5 mg/ml 10ml 12.75

TABMETIN Vetsfarma

INJ 5mg/ml 10ml 00.00


TAB 10mg 10s 11.75

INJ 5mg/ml 2ml 6.75
INJ 5mg/5ml 10ml 00.00
LIQ 5mg/5ml 30ml 16.00


TAB 10mg 10s 10.50

INJ 5mg/ml 2ml 10.50
LIQ 5mg/5ml 30ml 16.15
Class: NSAID

Mode of action:
Selectively inhibits the cyclo oxygenase (cox-2) enzyme, thereby exerting potent anti-
inflammatory, anti-exudative, analgesic and anti-pyretic effects with decreased gastric
It is used in cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat and dog for symptomatic relief of pain, pyrexia
and inflammation of musculo skeletal origin and post surgical inflammatory condition.

Dog: 3-5mg/kg BW oral, i/m
Cattle, buffalo,sheep,goat: 2-4mg/kgBW oral, i/m

Use with caution in pregnancy. No sufficient data available for use in horse.



+GENLIDE Cadila Tablet 100mg 10 25.25
+NISE Dr. Reddys Tablet 100mg 10 32.00
+NISE Dr. Reddys Suspension 10mg/ml 60ml 22.00
+NISE Dr. Reddys Injection 10mg/ml 2ml 17.00
+NEW Cipla Tablet 100mg 15 38.00
NICIP Cipla Bolus 400mg 4s 23.75
+NIMOTAS Intas Tablet 50mg 10 11.90
+NIMOTAS Intas Suspension 50mg/5ml 60ml 16.00
NIMOVET Indian Injection 100mg/ml 15, 50, 90ml 66, 175,
Immunologicals 270
NIMOVET- Indian Bolus 1000mg 10*4s 48.00
DS Immunologicals
OXALGIN- Zydus AHL Injection 100mg/ml 15ml, 50ml 58, 155


Class : 5HT3 blocker ( central acting anti emetic )

Mode of action:

Ondansetron blocks the depolarising action of 5HT (5 hydroxy triptamine)through 5HT 3

receptor on the vegal afferent in the CTZ & NTS.
5HT released from gut & CNS is an important transmitter involed in emesis. It found
peripherally on vegal efferent fiber & also in medullary vomiting center

Clinical use :

Ondanstron is proto type drug of it's class & has been used full in dog & cat to control
emasis which is induce by cisplatin (a potent ematogen) & other chemotherapeutic agent
and rediation treatment.
Ondanstron has been used in small animal suffering from refractory vomiting that has not
responded to other antiemetic. Ex. Vomiting induced by chemotherapy , parvovirus &
hepatic lipidosis.
Ondansetron has been succesfully in puppies with parvovirus entritits that vomit
profusely despite therapy with chlorpromazine or metoclopromide.
Ondansetron dose not block dopomine receptor & apomorphin or motion sickness
induced vomitig.

Adverse effect :
Ondansetron is well tolerated drugs with few side effect. Constipation dizziness &
headache are most reported side effect associated with it's use. They have been no
significant drug
interaction reported with this drugs use. It is broken down by the hepatic cytochrome
P450 system & it has little effect on the metabolism of other drug broken down by this

0.1-0.2 mg/kg SC 3 times daily
0.1-0.5 mg/kg IV upto 4 times daily
0.5 mg/kg/hour IV infusion

Preparations :

Sifan Pharmaceuticals
Inj. 2 mg / ml ( Conc. )
Genex Pharma
Tablet 4 mg and 8 mg tab.


H1-blocker (alkylamine derivative)

Mode of action:
Pheniramine maleate exterts H1-receptor antagonist action, along with anti-cholinergic
and sedative effect.

animals-allergic disorders like eczema, urticaria, skin oedema, photodermatitis,
dermatitis, rhinitis, pregnancy toxemia, RFM, mastitis, burns, anaphylactic shock and
reactions, stomatitis, serum sickness, laminitis, rumen atony in cattle.

Dosage :
Large animal: 5-10 ml
Small animal: o.5-1 ml

Precautions :
Sedation, CNS excitement, GI disturbances, terretogenic effects are the side effects that
may occur.


ALERT-VETS INJ 22.75mg/ml 10ml vial Morvel

INJ 22.75mg/ml 30ml vial
ALGVET INJ 22.75mg/ml 30ml vial Geevet
INJ 22.75mg/ml 100ml vial

AVIL VET INJ 22.75mg/ml 30ml vial Intervet SPAH

HISLOC INJ 22.75mg/ml 10 ml vial Vetnova-cadila pharma
INJ 22.75mg/ml 100 ml vial
Pheniramine INJ 22.75mg/ml 30ml vial Intervet SPAH


It is a weakly acidic lipophillic NSAID, it is metabolised by liver with concentration of drug 2% being
excreted as a parent compound in the urine in some spp. In ruminants bioavailability of phenyl butazone
following I/M administration in cow is 89%, half life is 30-82 hrs.
In horses approved for use in horses as an oral tablet, paste or gel or as and I/V preparation, half life is
3-10 hrs.

Pyrazolone derivative NSAID

Mode of actions:
Phenylbutazones have anti-inflammatory, anti pyretic & analgesic activity. It produces oxygen
tension reduction & inhibits prostaglandin synthesis by suppressing cyclo oxygenase ( lysosomal
enzyme) activity.

Pyrexia, symptomatic treatment of inflammatory & painful condition of muscle, bone, and joints.

Dog- 22mg/kg bwt total daily dose ( maximum dose 800mg/day)
Horse- 1-2 g/450kg bwt total daily dose
Contraindicated in cats due to high toxicity. Accidental injection into carotid artery result in
excitement, prostration and sometimes death.


Sr. no. Name of drug Mfr names. Concentration Major indication Dose Price

1) Artizone-S inj. Vetnex 100 ml IM/IV Ideal drug in the 10-20 126/-
( phenyl butazone Treatment of pyrexia ml/day
IP 200mg, sodium and inflammatory in large
Salicylate IP 20mg) conditions. animals.
Daily doses divided
into 2-3 injections. 5-10ml/
Contraindicated in Day in
Nephritis, cardiac Small
Insufficiency,gastritis Animals.
& haemoglobinuria.

2) Higesic (injection) 30ml IM 5-15 ml

In large
In small


Class: Pyrazolon derivatives ( salicylate like ) analgesic.
It is a 3,5-dioxo-1,2-diphenyl-4-n-butyl pyrazolidine. It is insoluble in water. It was
synthesized as the result of a search for a compound having therapeutic attributes of
aminopyrine but without its toxicity.
Mechanism of action:
It have anti-inflammatory , antipyretic and analgesic activity. It produce oxygen tension
reduction and inhibits prostaglandin synthesis by suppressing cyclooxygenase
( lysosomal enzyme ) activity.
Pyrexia , symptomatic treatment of inflammatory and painful condition of muscle , bone
and joints. Treatment of acute laminitis and osteoarthritis in horse. It is most widely used
equine medicine.
4.4 mg/kg body weight i/v.
Contra indicated in cats due to high toxicity. Accidental injection into carotid artery result
in excitement , prostration and sometime death.
Idiosyncrasy has been reported in a dachshound following treatment with
phenylbutazone. A fatal condition characterized by severe haemorrhages , billiary stasis ,
and renal tubular degeneration was observed in this case.

Class: Salicylate analgesic

Its principle use internally is in cattle as an antifermantative agent. It is restricted almost
entirely to external application because it is extremely irritating to the gastric mucosa.
Combination with benzoic acid it is used in Whitfields ointment for antifungal activity.
16-24 gm salicylic acid has been used to decrease the amount of gas produced by
bacterial fermentation.

1. ARTIZONE-S Vetnex
INJ ( Phenylbutazone 200 mg, Sodium salicylate 20 mg )/ ml
Dosage : IM , IV
Large animals 10-20 ml
INJ 30 ml 44.00 Rs
INJ 100 ml 126.00 Rs
2. BUTASYL Neospark
INJ (Phenylbutazone 200 mg, Sodium salicylate 20 mg )/ ml
Dosage : IM , IV
Large animals 10-20 ml
INJ 30 ml 39.25 Rs
INJ 100 ml 109.00 Rs

INJ (Phenylbutazone 200 mg, Sodium salicylate 20 mg )/ ml
Dosage : IM , IV
Large animals 10-20 ml
INJ 30 ml 00.00 Rs

INJ (Phenylbutazone , Sodium salicylate )/ ml
Dosage : IM
Large animals 5-15 ml
Small animals 1-5 ml
INJ 30 ml 30.00 Rs
5. SALPHEN Vetindia
INJ (Phenylbutazone 200 mg, Sodium salicylate 20 mg )/ ml
Dosage : IM , IV
Large animals 10-20 ml
INJ 30 ml 41.00 Rs
INJ 100 ml 115.00 Rs
6. UDIL-S VET Morvel
INJ (Phenylbutazone 200 mg, Sodium salicylate 20 mg )/ ml
Dosage : IM , IV
Large animals 10-15 ml
Small animals 5-10 ml
INJ 30 ml 36.55 Rs


Class : Synthetic gluco-corticoids

Mode of action :

Triamcinolone has potent ani-inflammatory Action. It also modifies bodyImmune

response on systemic use, it may cause suppression of pictutary adrenal axis which may
lead to
cortico steroid deficiency

Indication :
Triamcinolone is highly potent gluco-corticoid effective in the treatment of inflammation
and related disorders. It may indicated in the management and treatment of acute arthritis,
tendo synovitis, myocytis, bovine ketosis and allergic and dermatological disorders.

Dosage :

IM, SC, Oral

Cattle, Horse: 12-20 mg (Total Dose )

In case of intra synovially or IA route

Cattle/Horse/Dog: 6-18 mg (Total Dose )

Dog: 0.050 mg/kg body weight b.i.d /t.i.d


Do not use in viral infections. Except for emergency therapy. Do not use in animal with
tuberculosis, chronic nephritis, cushingoid syndrome and peptic ulcers. Existence of
congestive heart failure, diabetes, pregnancy glucoma and osteoporosis are relative


(Inj.) 6mg / ml 5 ml vial 38.00 Rs.
HC) 4 mg 10's 19.10 Rs.
Tab. 10 mg / ml 1 ml 24.44 Rs.
Inj. 40 mg / ml 1 ml 50.62 Rs.
TRICORT (Cadila)
Tab. 4 mg 10's 19.90 Rs.
Inj. 10 mg / ml 1 ml 19.90 Rs.
Inj. 40 mg / ml 1 ml 49.95 Rs.
Inj. 6 mg / ml 5 ml vial 38.00 Rs.


GENERIC NAME: Ranitidine


DRUG CLASS AND MECHANISM: Histamine is a natural chemical that stimulates the stomach
cells to produce acid, Ranitidine belongs to class of medications called H2- blockers, that block the
action of histamine on stomach cells thus reducing stomach acid priduction.


Tablets (150 mg, 300mg)

Capsules( 150mg,300mg)

Syrup (15ml)

Ranitidine blocks the action of histamines on stomach cells and reduced stomach acid production.

Ranitidine is useful in healing of stomach and duodenal ulcers and in reducing ulcer pain.

Ranitidine has been effective preventing ulcer recurrence when give in low doses for prolonged
period of time. The doses is higher than that used in treatment of ulcer. It also helps in treating
heatburn ulcers and inflammation of esophagus resulting from acid reflux.


May be taken with or without food since ranitidine is excretes by kidney and metabolized by liver
, dosages of Ranitidine need to be lowered in patient with significantly abnormal liver or kidney


5mg/kg/12hrs orally IM/IV/SC

DRUG INTERACTION: Antacids may decrease the absorption of Ranitidine. Ranitidine is not
habit forming. Ranitidine can interfere with the metabolism of alcohol patient taking Ranitidine
.who drink alcohol may have elevated blood alcohol levels.

Side effects: include constipation,diarrhea,fatigue,headache,nausea,vomition


1) Gastric and duodenal ulcer

2) Uremic gastritis
3) Hypersecretory conditions
4) Upper git bleeding


+HISTAC Ranbaxy

Tab 150mg 10strip 4.83

Tab 300mg 10strip 8.34

Inj 50mg/2ml 10x2ml amp 25.94


Inj 50mg 2ml 4.62

+RANTAL JB chemicals

Tab 150mg 10 strip 6.76

Tab 300mg 10 strip 11.82

Inj 50mg/ml 5 vial 13.35


Tab 150mg 10 strip 4.74

Tab 300mg 10 strip 8.17

Inj 25mg/ml 2 ml 2.67

Class:- Glucocorticoids

Action:- Prednisolone has typical metabolic effects of natural corticosteroids. It modifies

immune response and it is having anti inflammatory action. Its synthetic analogues have
very good anti inflammatory effects. Corticosteroidal drug with mainly glucocorticoid
activity and less mineralocorticoid activity. They inhibit fibrin deposition, capillary
dilation, leucocyte migration and deposition of collagen.

Indication:- Myositis, Tendinitis, Bursitis, Inflammation, Allergic bronchitis, Asthma,

Food allergy, Uveitis, Pyoderma, Rheumatoid arthritis, Ulcerative colitis,
Immunosuppressive drug for organ transplant and Autoimmune hepatitis in case of
adrenal insufficiency( Addisons disease).

Dog:- Hydrocephalus, Atopy, Contact & Flea allergy.

Cat:- Urethritis, Persistent haematuria.


Horse, Cattle 0 .5 mg/kg BW (10-20 ml total dose)

Calf, Pig 0.125 mg/kg BW (2.5-5 ml total dose)

Dog, Cat 0.05 mg/kg BW (1-3 ml total dose)


Glaucoma, Pregnancy, Degenerative joint disease, Osteoporosis, fracture, Diabetes

mellitus, Infection, Renal disease.

Side effects:-

Fluid retention, moon face (cushing syndrome), acne, constipation. Prolonged use of it
may cause black or black tarry stool, filling or rounding of face, muscles cramp, muscle
weakness, rapid weight gain, increased intraocular pressure.

Brand name Company Concentration Presentation

PREDCIP Cipla 10 mg/ml 10 ml vial
PREDNISOLONE Intervet SPAH 10 mg/ml 10 ml vial
PREDNISOLONE Vetoquinol 10 mg/ml 10 ml vial

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