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Radio Programme Proposal / Treatment Template

for CRiStLE Productions

Liam Gallagher
Discipline? I don't know the meaning of the word.

CRiStLE Productions
Netherhall School
Name or title of programme: Liam Gallagher Discipline? I don't know the meaning of the

Length of show: 30 minutes

Genre or type of programme: Documentary

Brief description / synopsis:

A 30 minute documentary about Liam Gallagher growing up being the front man of Oasis, as
well as Liam Gallagher's new album release

Production method (live, recorded, mix of): Pre-recorded, the whole show will be
recorder before hand so its ready for air.

Target audience (preferred station, time, demographics):

My target audience would be BBC Radio 1 and 2 listeners, this is because this demographic
is the ideal audience to ply a documentary on Liam Gallagher who was part of one of the
best rock bands in British history, the timings of my show will be on at 6:00 till 6:30 during
midweek this is because everyone will be coming home from work and will be listening to the
station. The age of my target audience would be 18 - 27, just because this age group would
know who Liam Gallagher is.

Ideal presenter(s) (to give an idea of style): Greg James

Delivery style: For the delivery purpose I will be delivering the show as a pre recorded
documentary. The style of the piece wont be very formal as the documentary is about Liam
Gallagher. I will be using many conventions of a radio show for example Vox-pops, music
beds, sound bridges, soundscapes and into and outros.

Resources required

Human: Presenter, producer, Vox-pops

Equipment: Microphone, mixer, software, headphones,

Location: Studio

Production time (recording and editing): The timing of the piece will be on at
6:30/7:30. The recording time for this piece will be 35 minutes to 40 minutes as the
full length of this piece will be 20 minutes, meaning Ill need double the time to record
so when it comes to editing I have enough material to edit with. In regards to
editing itll take me around 2/3 hours to edit down.
PRS and PPL license - 14.99 pence per day.
Ill be playing in my program Oasis Live forever, as well as parts of Slide away and
supersonic however these sings will only be 36 seconds so I can use it for free as it will be

Additional information (for full treatment)

(Include schedule / structure and try to include diagrams / facts / figures / research)

Content of show (items, features and articles):

Documentary style
Vox pop
Music bed

Examples of questions and issues to be raised for interviews:

1) His popular lifestyle he lived when he was younger

2) What made him be such a wild rock and roll star
3) Why he left oasis
4) The arguments he had with his brother (Noel)
5) Why he loves music (rock and roll)
6) Growing up in a rock and roll band

Examples of Vox Pops / other actuality to be used:

1) Vox-pops of what people think of Liam Gallagher

2) What people thought of oasis
3) What people think of his new album

Styles of music to be used (e.g. titles and beds):

Main song - Supersonic (4:44 minutes)

Music beds - Live forever and slide away (4:37 minutes) ((6:32 minutes))
Within this documentary I will only be using music from oasis or Liam Gallaghers new album

Budgeting information:


Equipment hire: Headphones, microphones, mixing desk, editing software, scripts,

microphone stand,

Transport: N/A

Actors / presenters: Will stepney

Production: N/A

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