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Revisin unit 1. Ready for school. Beep 3.

Make questions and use prepositions of place (IN, ON, UNDER/BEHIND) to answer.

Where is the snake? The snake is in the bin. jackets? Holder


ball? Chair


pencilsharpener?/ pencilcase
Revisin unit 1. Ready for school. Beep 3.



Complete the sentences and translate into Spanish.

The fishes are the tank.

The plant is .the table.

The lion is ..the plant.

The elephant is

The train is .

The kite is .the bin

The teachers chair is the table.

The boy drawing is .the board.

The apple is ..

The Russian doll is .the bookcase

Revisin unit 1. Ready for school. Beep 3.

The pictures are the computer.

The pencilcase .

The lion, the elephant and the plant are ..

The sea plants and the fishes are .the tank.

Is the plane under the table? No, isnt. its on

the table.

Is the ball behind the chair?

Is the crocodile behind the bookcase?

Is the plant behind the lion?

Is the computer in the schoolbag?

Is the ruler on the chair?

Are the fishes in the bin?

Is the pencil sharpener under the pencil case?

Revisin unit 1. Ready for school. Beep 3.

Is the ball behind the fish tank?

Is the Russian doll on the wall?

Write numbers form 1- to 20
Describe what you have in your schoolbag using colours
Revisin unit 1. Ready for school. Beep 3.

Read and draw

In my classroom, I can see two computers on the teachers table. There is a big
blackboard behind the teachers table. The fishes are in a rectangular tank and the
bookcase is behind the door. There are four jackets in the bin. There is a drawing on the
board. There are ten tables and chairs. There are plants on the table. My class is really

HAVE YOU GOT? Yes, I have /No, I havent.

Have you got crayon ns in your pencil case? No/rubbers.

No, I havent. Ive got rubbers.

Have you got plants on your table? Yes

Have you got a pink rubber in your schoolbag? No- a blue ruler.

Have you got a yellow pen?

Have you got a new classmate?

Have you got three rubbers, a ruler and a sharpener in your bag?

Tengo un goma rosa, un lpiz amarillo y lpices de colores en mi mesa.

Tengo dos estuches y dos sacapuntas debajo de la mesa.

No tengo lpices azules detrs de la papelera.

No tengo lpices de colores detrs de mi libro.

No tengo gafas de sol en mi bolsillo.


Have you got a white glue?

Revisin unit 1. Ready for school. Beep 3.

Have you got a red pencil case?

Have you got a purple rubber?

Have you got three rubbers behind the Russian doll?

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