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Yes I do feel accomplished with my rhetorical analysis on my document life.

While doing my essay on

Life I learned about abortion on prolife and against it a well. Abortion is a termination of pregnancy but
it all depends on what the mother decides. I could use this in the future to talk about abortion on how
its better to be prolife I think a child is a blessing. The lessons are applicable by persuading the audience
that prolife is a better choice than to abort. I did feel like I met the criteria for this project by the logos,
ethos, pathos that was used to do the assignment. To me this project I was a bit confused but at the end
it was simple. You just had to write about ethos, pathos, logos also if your assignment had more of the
thee categories then it was easier to focus on just that one. My writing process I thought I was going to
do worse but after I saw my little mistakes I knew that on the next assignment I would do it better. I
think everything from the readings we pretty clear I had no trouble.

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