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UTEP Track & Field Team

Goal: work together as a

team to win
Practices and Workouts
Language: good shape
Audience: Students,
Coaching Staff, Alumni,
Families, Trainers
Genres: Emails, Texts,
Team meetings.
Conventions: Have
good sportsmanship,
show respect to other
teams, respect officials,
encourage each other
Middle School Band
Map Subject: Students, band
Community: Students,
band director, teachers
Rules: practice every
day, learn the music,
attend rehearsals, be
good students and pass
all classes
Tools: instruments,
metronome, music
sheets, practice log
Motives: make the song
sound really good, get
1s in competition, put
on good performances
Division of Labor: each
section of the band has
different parts of the

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