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I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas @ (Hippo The Hero) Seyonninos ae Brightly and lightly =~ = a 1 WANT ‘A HIP-PO-POT- A-MUSVOR CHRISTMAS, —— A hip-popot-a-mus is all 1 want, Pr Pr Dor't want a doll, no dink- y tink- er toy, I want a hip- po- pot- a-mus to PEO gs 4 ape powmld oat ne up Wt tm Toke rege Mop is F_ r 2 a ab fe i fa play withand en - Joy—— 1 WANT /A HIP-PO-POT-A-MUS FOR CHRIST-MAB— 1 ute chink San-ta Neg-e~ ta-ri- an,— I WANT AEIP-PO-POT-A-MUS FOR CHRISTMAS) ———— The kind I. saw last r a a haus will mind, do He wont have to use cur dirt y chimney flue, — dust sum-mer in the 00. We got a carwithroom for two in our two eer” ga - rage,—T Copyright 1950 FOLKWAYS MUSIC PUBLISHERS, INC., New York,N.Y. Copyright, 1953 FOLKWAYS MUSIC PUBLISHERS, INC, New York,NY. ternational Copyright Secured Mate tw U.S.A. ‘All rights reserved including Public Performance for profit oy S92 2 ie a ih bid Yering him throughthe front door, that’s the —eas-'¥ thing to 0. 1 can g . Teed hm’ there™ and! ash him thro and__give Mim his'may- sage, T COM $6C me wow ou Chrst-mas = == = ee bn aie B Ene a a i Hi ereep-ing down the stairs, — Oh,What joy and whatsur-prise when I 0- pen “fs if ai V8 OW & i eyes to see my hip- po he- fo stand- ing there CHRIST-MAS;— —On-ly hbip- po- pot-a-mus will do.—————_ ro) creado or thi - moc- e- ros - es — or duck-bill plat- y - pus - e 2, Bp ea — a2 ae & i i ae o# &@ "B mus-es— and hip-"popot- a - mus- es like mo

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