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Bailey L.

Ms. Jizi

UWRT 1104

13 October 2017

Future Authoring Essay

A teacher, a singer, a marine biologist, and a doctor. Those are all the things I aspired to

be throughout my life. Beginning with fun professions influenced by impactful people around me

to the more realistic dreams of my parents. Now that I have entered adulthood I have had to

make some hard decisions like choosing between doing laundry or wearing a ketchup-stained

shirt to an 8 am lecture. Making these impossible decisions have ignited a newfound

independence and I have begun to apply that to all aspects of my life. Recently I have switched

from a pre-medical academic path to an exciting international business major with a minor in

French. The beginning of my freshman year of college has been a bit rough, starting by being

kicked out of my home for dating someone my parents disapproved of, to the stress of moving

into college life alone, ending with the contraction of an intestinal parasite followed by an

additional bacterial infection. Though it may be an indulgent term, I have truly struggled to

receive my college education and I am finally doing things the way I want.

A year later:

I picture this being the year of pursuing my dreams. Im planning on some brave moves

in 2018. I am seeking more engagement from my life. I will move back to New York City and

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transfer to a business university, such as Baruch or NYU. Based on my few months living in

New York City this past summer, I know it's the place which will bring so much joy and

inspiration to my academic and personal life. Though I know it will be hard for my family,

finding my happiness will allow me to be the best daughter, girlfriend, and person I can be. This

change in my life would be a huge accomplishment for me, digging deep, realizing my needs,

and actualizing them.

Two years later:

The year of experience. After settling into my new home and new university I plan to

make the most of my situation. New York is an epicenter of activity, and I plan to take advantage

of that. Ideally, I would engage in environmental protest, attend conversations about social

issues, and surround myself with people who approach their lives with vehemence. I will

establish better relationships with my family. After the explosion the year previous, I hope to

incorporate more positivity and sensitivity into our relationship. I have always held a lot of

meaning in being a good daughter and caring for my family so improving that relationship will

mean a lot. Though I won't have any children yet, my schnauzer Harry will continue to be my

baby and provide meaning to get up every morning, if not to just take a walk around the block

together. These small actions will bring so much happiness and engage my playful side. Also, I

will broaden my horizons by participating in an engaging trip abroad to France to expand my

knowledge of the French language. I will pursue an internship for a leader in environmental


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Three years later:

I expect this to be the year of my career. Being in my senior year of college, and

excelling, I will begin to discover the exact job type I would like to have. Establishing positive,

constructive relationships with my peers and teachers will inspire me to continue to pursue my

degree and inform my decisions. My romantic relationship with my encouraging, loyal partner

will ensure stability and assurance in my life. I will trust his judgment and ask for his help in

upcoming changes. By this stage in my life, I will have met friends I will keep throughout my

life. A strength of mine is judgment, and through that, I will weed out those who do not have my

best intentions in mind and maintain those who have a positive impact on me.

Four years later:

This year will be the year of transformation. I will go from student to workplace.

Building my future by trying new positions in my field to solidify my intention to be a leader in

environmental work. Continuing to travel with friends and my partner will bring happiness and

engage my playfulness. During one of these incredible getaways, my boyfriend will propose and

we will be married within the year. Being a part of a married couple, with a strong, loyal bond

will anchor my life in a positive relationship and only improve my confidence going forward. As

a newlywed and out of university, I will be improving my overall lifestyle by caring for my body

through nutrition and exercise. I firmly believe the mind and body have the deepest connection

and when one is nourished and engaged, the other follows the same path.

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Five years later:

And finally, the year of living my future. I will be participating in my fulfilling dream

career of a leader in international environmental initiatives and changing the world for the better.

Though I may not make any personal impact on the job, I will find meaning in making a large

scale influence on future generations relationship with the Earth. Additionally, I will be visiting

family often, particularly on holidays, blending both my and my husbands families into a group

of positive, meaningful relationships. Regarding my family, I hope to start my own. I would love

to find purpose and care for a child. The joy and emotion I will feel will be unparalleled. With

the newfound addition to my family, I will move to a bigger home where we can raise our

children around other families. I will find solace and support in the inspirational mothers around

me who I will form close relationships with. Having a job I love, being in powerful relationships

with others, and being a mother, I will feel like the most accomplished person alive and I will

live happily ever after.

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