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Alondra Blanco

English 102 (V 25031)

Professor Holly Batty
December 11, 2017
Short Reflection on Essay #1 (250 words):

The essay that I chose to revise was me poem analysis essay, the essay was to describe what

deeper meaning or significance the poem had. For my essay I had chosen William Wordsworths

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, Overall I did fairly well, with only a handful of mistakes. I

started by having a strong thesis that ultimately lead to the organization of my paragraphs, but

there was some wording in my thesis that needed to be cleared up and I did so by following the

thesis format provided to me in class earlier this semester. Through that format I was able to

make my thesis clearer and precise. My transition from my introduction paragraph into my first

paragraph caused there to be some organizations problems. I tried to fit my literary devices and

the symbolism of the poem into one long sentence. To fix this, I broke my one long paragraph in

half, dedicating the first paragraph to literary devices and the second one to symbolism. Also, in

the last paragraph there was some mentions of the French Revolution, but no actual detail about

how it affected the author or his poems. I revised that paragraph by adding how the War changed

the authors perspective on nature and peace. In order to keep all my paragraphs in order and on

topic, I had to go back and make sure that I had all my topic sentences were related and followed

through with the rest of the paragraph. Lastly, there was some in-text citations that needed to be

introduced and explained. I went back and made sure that they were on topic, well introduced,

and well explained.

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