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Alondra Blanco

English 102 (V 25031)

Professor Holly Batty
December 11, 2017
Short Reflection on Essay #2 (250 Words):

The second essay that I chose to revize was my drama analysis essay, and that consisted of

reading a short drama and analyzing it. This essay was by far that the hardest essa that I have

come revize, due to poor structure and unclear sentencing. However that is now all changed, as I

went back and practically wrote the whole essay all over again. Although I had a couple of good

points, my unclear thesis made it really hard to unify the whole paper. Since my thesis did not

follow the thesis format it was unclear what I was trying to say. Once I cleared up my thesis, my

topic sentence matched my transitioning sentence and the essay was a little more organized. A

problem that I had with this essay is that I did not have enough time to work on it, so my paper

was rushed leaving certain points to be to long, it was almost rambling. While these points were

on topic, I simply broke them done down into detailed sentences and eliminated run off

sentences and comma splices. There were also some sentences in my Intro that did not tie into

my thesis, however, when I went back and corrected my thesis and fixed the sentence that made

no sense, it all progressed smoothly. Again, Due to only having a couple minutes to turn in this

essay on time, I had accidently called my Work Cited page a bibliography, but I went back and

changed it to its correct term. The biggest problem that this essay had was that it was not edited

thoroughly enough. Just editing the entire essay for grammar mistakes and run-on sentences

cause me to almost rewrite the entire essay.

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