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Clarisa Melgar Editorial Peer Review for David Grace

Rhetorical Awareness

David presented an article that serves a purpose for its audiences needs. Baseball, Americas favorite
sport, what a perfect topic to be covering. The editorial is written at a readers level like the LA or NY
Times. David is making the reader think more about an issue that is not covered as much and many
people may not have had a knowledge about pitchers elbow before reading his article.

Ethical Research

This article is written with in the MLA, APA, Wikipedia-style in-text (number system) and end-of-text
(reference list) citations for all sources listed throughout the article. David made it very clear as to where
the citations came from and the references were organized so the reader could go back and look at
where a citation came from. Just be sure to have two more sources in order to have a total of six
sources, also be sure that you have four peer reviewed sources.


Davids claims about injuries in young baseball players, specifically to the elbow are relevant and
supported well by his sources: Prevention of Elbow Injuries in Youth Baseball Pitcher, Baseball's
Elbow Problem Starts With Young Pitchers, Young Arms and Curveballs: A Scientific Twist, and A
Preseason Checklist for Predicting Elbow Injury in Little League Baseball Players. The reader is very
convinced by the effects of young players throwing incorrectly, improper physical therapy, and short
term rehabilitation.


The editorial is very well organized. David used different images throughout each page that allowed the
reader to connect with the topic that was being discussed. The beginning of the editorial had a strong
introduction paragraph that helped the reader get a stance as to what the article was about.


The language David used throughout his article was effective and concise. There was no confusion left
by the writer for the reader. If an unknown word was mentioned, for example medial epicondyle
apophysitis, it was further defined for clarification. The language does reflect that of the LA or NY


The editorial was well designed. The title was clearly found at the top of the page, followed by an
introduction paragraph, several headings to transition to supporting paragraphs, images and then a
reference page. This article conforms to the design that would be used in the LA or NY Times.

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