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I As A Learner: Project Description and Reflection

Francisco Martinez

Course: CIL 621

Instructor: Dr. Canady

The I As A Learner Project is one that in CIL 621 we have worked on throughout the
semester. The overall goal that I had in my project was to create a classroom where all students
can be assessed and learned in an appropriate matter as well as create a social conscious
classroom. The project that was put in place also had us create a place where I can create and
organize my lessons, assignments, and assessments for my students and in a presentable manner
to administration and or other colleagues. In a sense a portfolio of my work. This project has
really shown me the importance of being organized given that as a first year teacher with little to
no prior teaching experience everyday feels as if I am unprepared or not prepared enough. Not
understanding standards to their fullest and or not understanding how to exactly teach them and
moreover assess them. Juggling assessing my students with assessing my students through
standards that will prepare them for end of semester and year standardized test. Not to mention
that I do not only teach one content but two contents with 40 plus students per class. What this
project has done is prepared me to become organized and two to be aware of all my students
meaning my ELL and SPED students who may struggle with content and mastery which is what
we strive for as a school.

The first goal that I set forth this semester was to learn and understand how to modify
assignments and assessments for my ELL students and SPED students. The reason that this is
important to me is that I want my ELL students and SPED student to feel comfortable and able to
learn in the classroom. Many times when speaking to teachers and other staff at the school there
suggestions to modifying tests or assignments for these groups of students means making them
easier and giving the all new content that is at even a lesser grade level. I see where these
suggestions come from given that these groups of students may get the concepts but just cannot
lash out their work, if it be in general or in English. For my ELL students I see that a huge
amount of stress of having to learn and do work fully in English when it is not there strong suit
they begin to shut down on all work and that in turn causes a stunt to their learning growth
academically and in the language. Similarly for my ELLs they seem to be overwhelmed by
assignments and tests that just seem to long to complete or ask extensive amounts of work.

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To lower the bar and rigor my ELLs and SPED students would be to fail them as a
teacher and set them up for future failure. Starting with my ELLs they are all in different levels
of language acquisition but for those in my class they all can understand English when it is
spoken to them. Where they struggle is in writing and reading. Thus the instruction I give them
does not change but the assessments and assignments do change. They do not change to different
passages or do I give them less questions or do not make them write. Holistically there tests are
the same as my general students just with few modifications. Depending the level of each of my
ELLs I create plans for them for assignments and assessments. If a student is at very low level
of English writing I would set up for first quarter 25% English and 75% Spanish, second quarter
I have them at 50% English and 50% Spanish. The goal in mind build up their confidence and
allow them to still have their native language to fall on. Most of my ELLs are on this plan and in
this quarter have written more like 60% in English through scaffolding their assignments and
tests has empowered them. Other modifications are on multiple choice questions where instead
of 4 answer choices I give them 3 answer choices.

Moreover many of the same modifications on tests and assignments are seen for my
SPED students. Just as my ELLs their learning levels are all over the place. But all in all they do
grasp the concepts in class but do get stress when being assessed. This stress comes because of
tests having wording that is hard to understand and also to much clutter on a test meaning the
questions are not spaced out. They also get anxiety from unnecessary number of answer choices
that cause them to get a question wrong. Also when writing I lessen the amounts for paragraphs
from 6-8 sentences to 4-5 sentences. When others may think this lowers the rigor it really doesnt
it makes the answers to be more specific and concrete avoiding unnecessary fluff. When
making these modifications for my SPED students the rigor stays the same and they are being
assessed the same way. These modifications as well as the ones for my ELLs, allow my students
to not ostracized. When these changes were made these groups of students grades and Aspire
scores improved given that confidence was built and they have kept the rigor that will show up in
standardized test.

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The second goal I have created for myself this school year was to bring culturally
relevant text and materials to the class, which will be educational and met CCSS Standards.
Creating a socially aware and self advocates in the classroom. This goal I feel more than
anything brings empowerment and buy in into the classes. When starting the year I used content
from the Springboard curriculum with lessons, content and tests with prompts that didnt ignite
student interest. With that at the first progress reports over half of my students were failing and
not scoring high on their Aspire Test scores. I sat and asked some of my students who were
failing my course and they told me that they dont relate to the texts and context that we have
read. In their words they said these readings are from some random old white guys or women
who died before our parents are born. I do not fully agree with their statements but I did agree
that it's hard to connect to readings that aren't written with a last name similar to yours, or
content that doesnt relate to you.

With that in mind I set forth to really create a consciously aware classroom in both my
reading and writing courses. Content by authors who were black and latino. Authors who look
like my students authors who speak to their realities, realities of drugs, gangs, and violence and
how it affects one's life. Informational texts speaking on the school to prison pipeline, housing
discrimination, 9/11 and islamophobia, and the recent event of the Vegas Shooting. All topics
that sparked interests and conversations between students as well as sensible and well thought
out opinions on these topics backed by evidence and competent sense making. The grades and
ASPIRE scores changed drastically from the first progress reports to the end of quarter grades
were less than 8% of all my students failing and with 68% of my students meeting the mastery
benchmark and superseding by 18%.

Overall working towards these goals and in a sense meeting them has been very
fulfilling. Going forward into the year and also throughout the years that I will continue to teach
it is important to keep working towards these goals. Reason that these goals can be continuously
improved as time passes. When one adjustment seems not to work one can make another and
another. As a teacher we expect our students to learn and keep learning, and we should do the

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same for them. Through these goals I will keep teaching and improving as an educator to serve
all my students and create self advocates, family advocates and advocates of their communities.

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