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Parker Jewell


Enlightenment Twitter Philosophy

Tweet: I am a thinking thing. My mind is its own entity while my body is a machine. #descartes

#cogitoergosum #dualism #whatcanidoubt

#cogito ergo sum: This hashtag directly connects the first phrase of the tweet with Renes principles of

philosophy. This is a famous quote Rene said in Latin. It means I think, therefore I am. He said that all the

presentations that had ever entered into his mind when awake, had in them no more truth than the

illusions of his dreams. He believed everything he had ever known to be true was actually false

information misinterpreted. He thought he was something so he knew above all else that thinking he

was something actually made him something. This was the truest statement he believed because of the

evidence and there was no ground of doubt. He made it his first principle of philosophy.

#dualism: This hashtag directly connects the tweet together by combing the two principles to make a

concept of philosophy. A theory or system of thought that regards a domain of reality in terms of two

independent principles, especially mind and matter. Rene made up the essence of himself in two ways.

He believed that the mind equaled yourself while a thinking thing equaled yourself. The mind is separate

from the body. He believed they were separate things so we call this Cartesian dualism. Commented [pj1]:

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