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The Jungle Book

The underlying or distinct theme of The Jungle Book is that of a racist/discriminative
undertone. This is due to the discrimination given by Sheer Khan towards Mowgli due to
him being far from the normality of the jungle even going as far as wanting to kill him. This
in turn could be a commentary on the discrimination of today of people wanting to hurt or
in extreme circumstances also kill because someone appears difference or sticks out from
the crowd.
This is the use/application of human features, characteristics and behaviours onto an object
or animal. It derives from Greek origin as anthropos means man and morphe meaning
form therefore a man-form into something that isnt man itself. Some of these traits can
be that of feeling, hearing or talking. This technique/ideology has been utilised in popular
culture as well as in The Jungle Book such as: Peter Rabbit and Winnie the Pooh.
This is the belief that everything on earth possesses a spirit and impacts human life. This is a
key theme that runs throughout The Jungle Book as the jungle is viewed as almost its own
character and Mowgli a human is constantly impacted at what the jungle throws at him
and how the environment constantly changes and evolves even to his own success in the
end upon the event in which he kills Sheer Khan.
The theme of not belonging or not fitting in is portrayed through the main character
Mowgli. He is constantly reminded of the fact that he is a man cub and not an animal like
the rest of inhabitants of the jungle. Therefore The Jungle Book draws in on the fact of
finding ones self and finding out where you truly belong to or finding a place to belong.
The theme of growth is also prominent also, all of the main characters go through some sort
of growth throughout the film such as Mowgli becoming a man from a boy, Bagheera
learning to accept Mowgli for who he is and therefore become more accepting of others
and even Baloo from becoming less selfish to a more loving and overall well rounded
Chapter Summary:
Opening Scene/Running with Wolves: Training exercise with Mowgli running with
family/wolf pack away from Bagheera his teacher telling him about how to survive in the
jungle/the jungle way of life.
Water Truce/A Warning: Natural disaster/water drought has brought the animals/people
together, everyone is united. Segregation/racism is displayed Sheer Khan not happy with
appearance of man cub Mowgli as he is a human in an animal environment.
Sheer Khan a distorted character, somewhat oxymoronic/sticks out to his surroundings
burns on his face and an opaque eye.
Mowgli Leave the Pack: Displacement links to current affairs, refugee crisis DIASPORA.
Rite of passage for Mowgli begins his journey from boy to man.
Akelas Plea: Dictatorship again linking back to that of the refugee crisis bad dictatorship
overthrowing government Sheer Khan overthrowing the Wolves
Introduction of Kaa also, trying to trick Mowgli appear as a false friend finally discover
origins of Sheer Khans hatred of Mowgli and how Mowgli ended up becoming a man cub.
Introduction of Baloo: Baloo, a stranger worth getting to know, a commentary on be careful
who you get to know/chose to be your friend, perhaps juxtapostioned with that of Kaa.
Bagheera returns very serious needs to get the job done.
Elephants appear also, Mowgli also uses his tricks to save a baby elephant helps Bagheera
to accept Mowgli for his differences. Elephants cultural links to India, respecting elders
etc. Creation myth also religious aspects to elephants.
Closing Scenes/Climax/Fall of Sheer Khan: Mowgli is kidnapped by monkeys, spoken to by
King Louie, wants him to use the red flower/fire for Louie to be all powerful before Louie
gets any chance Mowgli is saved by Baloo and Bagheera, Mowgli gets an idea to use fire in
order to kill Sheer Khan returns back to the jungle to everyones surprise lures Sheer
Khan into a trap and outsmarts help making him fall into a pit of fire, all is resolved.
Elephants Resolving Problem/End of Journey: Big fire spreading through the jungle as a
result of Mowgli using the red flower to kill Sheer Khan put out by the Elephants managed
to move water flow in an opposite direction. Mowgli then returns back to his home as a
hero, uniting all the animals. The end of Mowglis journey and his transition from a boy to a
Morality plays a massive role within The Jungle Book it tells many lessons to those who
watch such as: to accept those for who they are and dont try to change them just because
they are different, embrace those differences rather than trying to conceal them and make
them normal. Also that love brings people together, the love that Mowgli has for the wolf
pack is ultimately what makes no difference whether or not hes same species or and
furthermore what brings him to overcome all of his problems. Finally another lesson is to
not let others take advantage of you, despite all of the problems that come over you, you
must stay focused on your task and not to let other people take anything from you just
because you are stressed.

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