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Evasin en la adquisicin de una L2.

Apndice 1: Ejemplos de voz pasiva en ingls a partir de la clasificacin ofrecida por Murphy

Ejemplos voz activa

My grandfather was a builder. He Mi abuelo fue un constructor. l construy

built this house in 1935. esta casa en 1935.
Its a big company. It employs two Esta es una compaa grande. Contrata
hundred people. doscientas personas.

Mismo ejemplos pero ahora en voz pasiva

This house is quite old. It was built in Esta casa es muy vieja. Fue
1935 construida en 1935.
Two hundred people are employed by Doscientas personas fueron
the company. contratadas por la compaa.

Quin o qu causa la accin es desconocido o no es relevante

A lot of Money was stolen in the Mucho dinero fue robado en el as alto.
robbery. (somebody stole it but we
dont know who)
Is this room cleaned every day? (does Esta habitacin se limpia todos los das?
somebody clean it? it is not
important who)

Uso del by para mencionar quien lo hizo

This house was built by my Esta casa fue construida por mi abuelo.
Two hundred people are employed by Doscientas personas fueron contratadas
the company. por la compaa.

Present simple

Active: clean (s)/see (s) etc. Somebody cleans this room every day.

Passive: am/is/are + cleaned/seen etc. This room is cleaned every day.

Many accidents are caused by Muchos accidentes son causados por

careless driving. manejar sin cuidado.
Im not often invited to parties. No soy invitado a fiestas frecuentemente.
Evasin en la adquisicin de una L2.

How is this word pronounced? Cmo se pronuncia esta palabra?

Past simple

Active: cleaned/saw etc. Somebody claned this room yesterday.

Passive: was/were + cleaned/seen etc. This room was cleaned yesterday.

We were woken up by a loud noise Fuimos despertados por un ruido fuerte

during the night. durante la noche.
'Did you go to the party?' 'No, I fuiste a la fiesta? no, no fui invitado.
wasnt invited'.
How much money was stolen in the Cunto dinero fue robado?


Active: (to) do/clean/see etc. Somebody will clean the room later.

Passive: (to) be + done/cleaned/seen etc. The room will be cleaned later.

The situation is serious. Something La situacin es seria. Se debe hacer algo

must be done before its too late. antes de que sea demasiado tarde
A mystery is something that cant be Un misterio es algo que no se puede
explained. explicar.
The music was very loud and could La msica estaba muy fuerte y se poda
be heard from a long way away. escuchar desde lo lejos.
A new supermarket is going to be El prximo ao se va a construir un
built next year. supermercado nuevo.
Please go away. I want to be left Por favor vyanse/vete. Quiero que me
alone. dejen sola.
Perfect infinitive

Active: (to) have + done/cleaned/seen etc. Somebody should have cleaned the room

Passive: (to) have been+done/cleaned/seen The room should have been cleaned

I havent received the letter yet. It Aun no he recibido la carta. La debieron

might have been sent to the wrong haber enviado a la direccin equivocada.
If you hadnt left the car unlocked, it Si no hubieras dejado el carro abierto, no
Evasin en la adquisicin de una L2.

wouldnt have been stolen. se lo hubieran robado.

There were some problems at first, Al principio hubo algunos problemas, pero
but they seem to have been solved. al parecer ya se resolvieron.

Present perfect

Active: have/has been + done etc. The room looks nice. Somebody has cleaned
Passive: have/has been done etc. The room looks nice. It has been cleaned.

Have you heard? The concert has Escuchaste/has escuchado? El concierto ha

been cancelled. sido cancelado/se cancelo el concierto.
Have you ever been bitten by a dog? Alguna vez te ha mordido un perro?
Are you going to the party? No, I Vas a ir a la fiesta? No, no he sido
havent been invited invitado/no me han invitado.

Past perfect

Active: had + done etc. The room looked nice. Somebody had
cleaned it.
Passive: had been + done etc. The room looked nice. It had been cleaned.

The vegetables didnt taste very Los vegetales/las verduras no saban muy
good. They have been cooked too bien. Las cocinaron demasiado
long. tiempo/fueron cocidas demasiado tiempo.
The car was three years old but El carro tiene aos pero no se ha
hadnt been used very much. utilizado/usado mucho.

Present continous

Active: am/is/are + (do)ing Somebody is cleaning the room at the

Passive: am/is/are + being (done) The room is being cleaned at the moment.

Theres somebody walking behind us. Hay alguien caminando detrs de nosotros.
I think we are being followed. Creo que nos estn siguiendo.
(in a shop) Can I help you? No, (enuna tienda) Le puedo ayudar en algo?
thank you. Im being served. No gracias, ya me estn atendiendo.

Past continous

Active: was/were + (do)ing Somebody was cleaning the room when I

Evasin en la adquisicin de una L2.

Passive: was/were + being (done) The room was being cleaned when I arrived.

There was somebody walking behind Haba alguien caminando detrs de

us. We were being followed. nosotros. Estbamos siendo seguidos/ nos
estaban siguiendo.

I was offered/we were given etc.

Active: Somebody gave the police the (=somebody gave the information to the
information police)

Passive: The police were given the

The information was given to the

Verbos que pueden llevar dos objetos:

Ask, offer, pay, show, teach, tell

I was offered the job, but I refused it. Me ofrecieron un empleo pero lo rechace.
(=they offered me the job) (=ellos me ofrecieron el trabajo)
You will be given plenty of time to decide. Se te va a dar mucho tiempo para decidir. (=te
(=we will give you plenty of time) daremos mucho tiempo)
Have you been shown the new machine? Ya te/ya le mostraron la maquina nueva?
(=has anybody shown you?) (=alguien ya te la/se la mostr?)
The men were paid 400 to do the work. A los hombres se les pag 400 para que
(=somebody paid the men 400) hicieran el trabajo (=alguien les pag a los
hombres 400)

I dont like being

Active: I dont like people telling me what to

Passive: I dont like being told what to do

I remember being taken to the zoo Recuerdo que me llevaban al zoolgico

when I was a child. (=I remember cuando era nio (=recuerdo a alguien
somebody taking me to the zoo) llevndome al zoolgico)
Steve hates being kept waiting (=he Steve odia que lo tengan esperando (=l
hates people keeping him waiting) odia que la gente lo haga esperar/lo tenga
Evasin en la adquisicin de una L2.

We managed to climb over the wall Conseguimos subir encima de la barda sin
without being seen (=without ser visto (=sin que nadie vindonos)
anybody seeing us)

I was born

En ingls se dice I was born (no I am

I was born in Chicago.
Where were you born? (not where are you Past

How many babies are born many day? Present


Se puede usar en vez de be:

There was a fight at the party, but nobody got hurt. (=nobody was hurt).
I dont often get invited to parties. (=Im not often invited)
Im surprised Liz didnt get offered the job. (=Liz wasnt offered the job)

Por ejemplo, no se puede utilizar get en las siguientes oraciones porque las cosas no
Jill is liked by everybody. (not gets liked this is not a happening)
He was a mystery man. Very little was known about him. (not got known)

Tambin se usa get en las siguientes expresiones (las cuales no son pasivas en su
get married, get divorced get lost (=not know where you are)
get dressed (=put on your clothes) get changed (=change your clothes)

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