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Hello students and parents!

This upcoming school year we will be using many kinds of

technology in the 4th grade classroom. These types of technology include the SMARTBoard,
computers, iPads, and smartphones. I have made a list of rules and expectations I have for
students using technology in the classroom. It is very important for students to follow these rules
in order for class time to run smoothly and effectively. There is a place at the bottom of these
rules that students and parents must sign before using classroom technology. Here are the
classroom technology rules I have made to help the school year be great:

1. Use classroom technology (SMARTBoard, computers, iPads, and smartphones) only for
2. Only look up school-appropriate and teacher-approved web sites and materials
3. Be careful with classroom technology
a. Carry iPads with two hands
b. Do not eat or drink around iPads, computers, or SMARTBoard
c. Be gentle and patient with iPads and computers
4. Use personal smartphones appropriately
a. Only use smartphones when I say you can
b. When not using smartphone, place in facedown on the corner of the desk
c. Only use applications and websites that I direct you to use
5. Use respectful, appropriate, and professional language in messages to others
6. Do not give out personal information online
7. Do not share passwords with anyone
8. Tell me immediately if you see something inappropriate or offensive online
9. Only use classroom technology when advised to
10. If you do not know how to use a technology, site, or application, ask!
11. Failure to follow the classroom technology use policy will result in limited technology
use for you in the classroom

Pa re n t S ig n a tu re S tu d e n t S ig n a tu re

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