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RWS 1301 Class Reflection: Discourse Community Paper

The discourse community paper was the very first major assignment that we had in my

RWS class. The purpose of the assignment was to prove if the RWS class was a discourse

community itself. When I finished my paper, I felt extremely accomplished because I finished

my first college paper and I started to get in to the groove in what college is really like. What I

got out of the assignment had nothing to do with the actual writing of the assignment itself but

from me completing it. I got so much confidence finishing my college paper and realized that I

was able to complete an assignment and pass it with a good grade. My writing process for this

assignment was to read the article that was given to us, and analyze carefully in which we were

learning to in class. The revision process that I had within this assignment came with me

analyzing my sources helping me make my paper better and having my mom read over it

correcting grammatical errors. There were more than readings that helped me with this

assignment. Our job was to prove if the RWS class was a discourse community so it was a lot

more analyzation of the class itself helping prove if it is or is not a discourse community.

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