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Exam Troubleshooting

1. If you are unable to log in and the system displays an invalid log in error, this
could be due to a firewall setting. Please review your firewall settings for the
duration of the examination.
2. Before initiating any exam, please confirm you have good Internet connectivity.
3. If during the exam the system freezes, do not panic. Restart the Testing
application. When you log into the Testing application again, you will be
prompted with a message confirming that you are already signed in. When
restarting the exam, answers already completed before the system crash, will
be intact and you will be allowed the remaining time. Although the same set of
questions will be given, they will not be displayed in the same order.
4. If you are unable to continue with the exam, due to reasons such as critical
network failures, very slow response times, any personal emergency, improper
exam formats, etc., please end the exam (By clicking on the Finished taking the
exam button). Please follow it up with a mail to
providing information on the issue you encountered and any actions
taken. Please restart the application and attempt the examination again.

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