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Dental Health Education (DHE) is a non formal education activity that is

performed to change the present community into a better one. Keeping sanitations
of tooth and mouth should be done early on. Health education using video method
and speech is intended for improving childrens knowledge about how to keep
dentalhygiene. The purpose of this research is to find difference on the
knowledge of 07 Pondok Bambu Elementary School Grade 4 when the
information was given to them by using a video and speech method. The type of
research is clinical experimental, taken on student of 07 Pondok Bambu
Elementary School Grade 4. This research applies questioner as instrumental
research. From the comparative test specifically Mann Whitney test, that was
taken from the 60 respondents, the result showed a value of 29.15 when a video
was used, and a value of 31.85 when a speech was use, with sig. 0,043, p < 0,05.
This means that there was a difference on the knowledge level of the student when
the dental health education used video and speech method.

Keyword : knowledge, dental health education, video, speech

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