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De dnde vena el Dragn?

Por qu escogi ese lugar?

Cunto tiempo llevaba all?

Viva solo?

Cundo atacaba?

Cuntas veces haba atacado ya?

Cada cunto tiempo atacaba?

Adems de esa villa atacaba otros lugares?

Dnde coma lo que atrapaba?

La gente ya haba intentado eliminarlo?

De dnde vino el cazador?

Cuntos dragones pudo haber cazado hasta el momento?

Dnde pusieron la tierra que cavaron afuera?

Qu otra manera pudiera Ud., sugerir?

Qu tan lejos poda volar el dragn?

Con cuntos seres te ves t dentro de 20 aos from now?

Qu es lo importante que en buen atleta debe de transmitir al pblico?


From where did the dragon come?

Why did he choose that place?

How much time had he been there?

Did he live alone?

When did he attack?

How many times had he attacked?

Every what time did he attack?

How after did he attack?

Did he attack other villages besides that one?

Where did he eat what he captured?

Had the people already tried to eliminate him?

How many dragons could have he hunted until then?

Where did they put the soil that they dug out?

What other way could you suggest?

How for could the dragon fly?

Haba habido antes otro dragn?

This is the story about

a chasse boy that

traded every trash eggs

for coved foal

with the American soldan

But one day

his father asked them

It they could take core of this

Because there was not enough food

in his village

The soldiers accepted

and he lived 3 ycom in the camp

But one day they had to departed

and it was not until 30 years loader

that they received a letter from 2 shoal

and they invited him and his family

to us and also bought him a rest

the people asked then why they had helped him so much

and they answer that he too gave then a hot

of happiness when they felt lonely an sad

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