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Oppression of the African American woman or the black woman is cruel and unfair. The

term oppression goes further to explain the various ways that women were unfairly treated.

Oppression is a word coined to mean that distinct group of people or a person receiving different

treatment under similar condition. In the religious setting in America, there existed catholic

Americans and also Americans who belonged to protestant churches. Apart from Christian

religion, Muslims also existed but in fewer numbers. In the nineties during the civil war, the

segregation between women and men in the religious setting illustrated the discrimination that

women faced regarding role-playing in the religious setting.

The religious groups in America varied in forms of worship. For instance, African slaves

practicing Catholicism would often substitute the honoring of Saints with the practice of

veneration, the worship of deceased ancestors. Conjuring was a combination of religion,

medicine, magic and folklore (51). All in all, men did not allow women to participate in any

religious functions such as church meeting, church gatherings that discuss business activities

among many other religious occasions. Women were viewed as inferior as compared to men to

the extent that they were not allowed to pray in public. This kind of discrimination led to the

formation of religious movements and groups that challenged the religious systems which were
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put in place at the time. For instance, in the nineteenth century, more women in conjunction with

some of the religious leaders used the bible to support their grievances that entailed gender

equality. But the fact that women strongly condemned the move made by church officials using

the bible based verses to advocate for recognition; the same bible was used to remind women of

their position in the congregation. For instance, certain verses in the bible such as the book of

Colossian 3: 18 is a good scripture that placed women in their position. It states Wives, submit

yourselves unto your husbands, as it is fit in the Lord KJV. This meant that women were

entirely supposed to obey any reform or rule that the church endorsed regardless of whether it

favored men more than women or not. Worship methods and styles were the distinguishing

factors among the various religious groups. Considering the book Canaan land, it states The

worship styles being the most defining proponent, Protestant slaves worship style included the

ring shout (48).

With respect to the evolution of segregation, the truth is that the African American

women themselves had ended up rooting out the devotion which was incorporated in the racial

division. But when it comes to the issue regarding the theory of power which had viewed them as

being inferior, they were manifested by other powerful being particularly the whites. The inter-

subjective ability is what made the mutually obligated African Americans endure royal exchange

and devotions. During this era, it should be recognized that the majority of the African

Americans used to be farmers. Amongst them, African American women were the ones who

were used as laborers in Whiteman plantations. The other group which was much oppressed was

the African Americans who were dependent on the white economic control.

African American women played a key role in the war. Women formed a large network and were

organized in the manner in which they mobilized people to provide whatever needed support
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they could afford for the African-America soldiers while they were in training camps. African

American women also participated in various social welfare groups such as Red Cross. Religious

black women in various organizations such as Young Women Christian Association (YWCA)

provided both material and spiritual support to black troops who at the time were facing

institutional discrimination. They also raised issues of equal citizenship since African America

people were not viewed as full citizens. In the eighties and the nineties, many states of America

imposed segregation and came up with laws and regulation based on race. The whole issue of

separation emerged and came into force after white democratic racist came up with laws and

regulations known as Jim Crows. Jim Crow laws and regulations were federal and local

guidelines that imposed racial segregation in the southern part of the United States. These laws

were endorsed by the white Democrats who at the time dominated the state legislature.

Many cities in different states considering the state of California, Texas, Minnesota,

Georgia, Florida, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Colorado, Mississippi, Arizona among many other

implemented Jim crow laws. The punishment was imposed on any citizen who consorted with

any person from another race that ice black people. Women considering Jims crows laws were

the one subjected to an adverse situation. In as much as racial segregation applied to both women

and men. For instance, intermarriage was forbidden between the black and whites. In all the

states which adopted Jim Crows laws, white people were favored as compared to black people.

The civil right era was marked by the black women participation in the revolutionary

movements. As much as the black men were the one who majorly participated in the war, women

indirectly played a part. The great migration was marked by the end of world war one. This was

one of the most noticeable and lasting changes of the war that the African Americans

experienced. Considering the laws of segregation and racial discrimination and how this affected
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the black people, there was a need for the formation of civil rights movement. The aftermath of

world war two was marked by various movements fighting to be viewed as a full citizen based

on their military contribution to the war. Religious teaching had no much influence since the

general view in the society was that women are inferior as compared to men. Segregation was

not only denied the blacks from intermarrying, but even access to public facilities such as roads

was a major issue. The slogan of separate but equal status was just a mere slogan that was aimed

at ridiculing various movements formed by African American women.

The era in which Jim Crows law was endorsed by the white Democrats was the most difficult

period for the African American people. This was the period in which the underlined principles

and laws mandated segregation in various sections such as access to public schools, restaurants,

restrooms, and library services alienated black people from accessing such facilities and services.

The common rationale for exclusion of black American from the whites was that separation is

meant for their protection. This was just a simple excuse to alienate African American from the

whites. For instance, any black who attended school or college endowed by whites were

constantly subjected to harassment, torture and other adverse situations that were meant to

dehumanize them. Religion has contributed much to the issue concerning oppression. Different

religious groups have experienced oppressions just because they belong to a certain religion or a

specific church. Bearing the situation of the African American woman in mind, the issues of

racism and feminism are primary areas of concern. The black male was treated differently as

compared to black female. The worst case scenario is when a black woman was subjected to the

same condition with the white female counterparts. In the white people churches, women were

given some respect and dignity as compared to black people churches. This may be as a result of

general discrimination based on race that was instilled by the whites who at the time took the
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lead in governance. Religion being part of the problem, many people have failed to understand or

figure out the way religion can be part of the solution as far as the oppression of the black

woman is concerned. In the religious realm, as far as spiritual matters are concerned, black

churches were distinguished from white churches. The different perspectives that the white male

and black male approached the role of women in the church are what brought a great rift between

the two racial groups.

Many have been killed in the name of religion while others have rejected various reform

and technologies in the name of religion. The same issue of religion has seen Catholic nuns

extend unbelievable courage and compassion in different parts of the world not forgetting the

Islam hypocritical mullahs leading the push for justice and education. Still, in as much as

religion contributed to different aspects of life, it does not rule out the fact that oppression is in

force more especially if it involves African American woman. The black orthodox women

refused the separation of men role and women in which case women have not given any role in

religious activities. Racial pride experienced at the time was as a result of comparison of how

white females and black females were treated in the society. In fact, bible based quotes were

used by black women from the Baptist church to denounce racial segregation, sexism, slavery as

well inequalities experienced in education systems played a major role in the revolution.

Considering the oppression that women faced in the past, it is ironic that women currently can

partake part in political activities, hold religious positions in churches as well as a venture in

business activities which was not allowed for women in the colonial era. This kind of oppression

was more especially seen when it involved black women. The white female could be allowed to

access good education, some senior positions in authority, partake part in political rallies as well

as religious activities in which all these privileges was a nightmare to African women. The
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policy of respectability was not operational since oppression, discrimination and racism were

prevalent at the time.

In the United States, racism is one of the issues behind oppression which had continued

to spread from the start of the colonial period. Socially or legally sanctioned rights and privileges

were ultimately offered to the white Americans although with time the African Americans were

denied the same. This was also attributed by the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants who were more

granted privileges in a matter dealing with immigration, education, land acquisition and

ownership, voting rights, criminal procedures, and many more others during that time. In fact,

more protests were experienced at that time to fight for equal rights. The fact that immigrants

were oppressed; Construction projects were imitated to accommodate new members. Larger

churches became employment agencies, day care centers, kindergartens, adult education centers,

drama clubs and various other things but the emotionalism and the spontaneity of the Southern

Rural churches clashed with the worship style of the Northern churches (85). Both the male and

female people in the United States fought for equality in all sectors since the whites enjoyed all

privileges while neglecting the black whom they referred to as the Negro.

Similarly, amongst the pivotal developments which ended up shaping African American

religions were the various movements which the back women participated in prominent public

issues, literature, and many others are some of the diverse topics which had the potential

bringing clear insight to them. Despite that, with time it was noted that White women had no

option other than excluding African Americans from their social clubs. Although the African

American women had no option other than segregating themselves, it was directly ironic because

the white American women felt that they had aped their culture in due course.
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Despite that, a large percentage of African Americans ended up suffering some

xenophobic exclusion as well as other forms of ethnic-based discriminations in the American

society. The reason behind that is because they were regarded as being racially inferior as much

as their racial background was involved. Furthermore, the majority of them were not regarded as

being white hence intensifying their plight. The other issue behind this scenario was largely

contributed by the white men who continued to view African women with distrust and suspicion.

This was also associated with the manner in which they associated them with women sexuality.

Contrary to this kind of oppression, research illustrates that white women were more

favorable because they were not portrayed as sexual temptresses. This is because they continued

to be celebrated as the "nobler half of humanity" as well as being regarded as goddesses and not

sinners as in the case of African American women. The great migration contributed to more

resentment by the whites as they continue to oppress African American women. The

advancement in religious practice by African American people which was characterized by

activities such as; The introduction of secular musical instruments like, guitars, pianos and

drums (96), the development of new entertainment and media venues such as phonographs, and

radio (99 among many other provoked their white counterparts as far as religion was concerned.

This is what made the White women to be represented as innocent, virtuous, and pure. Therefore,

it is because of the social and historical experiences African American went through which made

them endure numerous defiled images which ended up defining them as deviant.

The above evidence indicates that to a larger extent, African American women were

ultimately contrasted as compared to White women. To the African American women, what had

made them extremely oppressed is the fact that they were regarded as being the property of abuse

and use. These kinds of abuses had taken several dimensions. For instance, although white
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women were not subjected to the same level of psychological and physical abuses which had

meted out to women color, the truth is that they were perceived as being the ultimate property of

their fathers or husbands. Therefore, being in the position of upholding the honor of white

women forced their husbands to offer protection to their women from any form of oppression.

Despite that, slave women, especially the African American women were ultimately separated

from their loved ones whom they depended to offer protection to them. These and many more

other differences regarding the manner in which white women and African American, is assumed

to have emanated from their historic grounds.

The issue of racial pride was common at the time because regardless of gender, whites

were favored as compared to black. African American people experienced prejudice in the

manner they were treated in different circumstanced. The whites were treated as superior

creatures while the blacks were viewed as inferior people.This made the African American

women to be forced to combat the dual stereotypes of gender and race. The white male in the

colonial period protected their women since the law delivered sufficient defense. Lack of such

provisions provided for the white male by African American men made it difficult for black men

to protect their women. African American women realized these fact that their men were

incapable of protecting them since the law could not allow such provisions. This very fact made

them realize that they could not demand protection from the government and their men. However

the courts are open and provide a hierarchy to raise credibility issues in such circumstances, but

still, this provision does not dispute the fact that African American women are oppressed in the

contemporary world. It is merely a stipulation of a white male over women, but the fact is

African American women are considered as less credible as compared to white women.[
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In the mid-1960s and seventies, movements geared towards issues concerning

intersectionality majorly comprised of African American women participating in numerous

resistance movements. Movements formed in regard to religious activities as well as female

participation in such discourse were aimed at advocating for women position in the churches.

The experiences addressed the oppression experienced by the movements in a bid to rectify the

injustices that marginalized women faced in the United States. The period in which the United

States experienced the great migration was characterized by formation of movement such as The

Commandment Keepers Congregation of the Living God (89), Moorish Science (90), The Nation

of Islam (91), and Federated Colored Catholics (94), The Pentecostal movement: The Church of

God in Christ, and Church of Christ (holiness) (95) among many other.

Scholars and active participants in such campaigns responded by addressing negative

experiences such as denial in participation in civil rights, participation in movements such as

black woman liberation, among many other activities that black women were cut off from

participating. They theorized the injustices that the African American women endured in efforts

to resist these injustices. White females were granted certain rights that allowed them to enjoy

privileges that the African American women never enjoyed.

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Work cited

Raboteau, Albert J. Canaan Land: A Religious History of African Americans. Oxford: Oxford

University Press, 2001. Print.

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