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Platform: Blender - Application used to create digital media such as object,

characters, etc.

Overall: Use the application blender to create a 3d object of a dumbbell with the
hexagonal plates at the end to dive into the design of weight plates which seem so
simple yet many people argue it is more than that.

What: Digitally Animated Object of a Barbell with weight plates on the ends

Consumption: Screenshare (video) of the 3d view of the final product

Inspiration: Barbell plates and fitness, there is a battle between which shape of a
weight plate is best, hexagonal vs round plates. There is some design to weights, the
materials its made of and the shape its made of therefore I want to create something
digital to look at the design more.

Bonus: Include physics of the object being dropped

Image: Octagon vs Round Weight Plate

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