ps3 Final Evaluation Form Intern

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thbrdge PROFESSIONAL SEMESTER THREE: Final Report Tim Taylor Intern Teacher: 4 University Consuttant: Danny Balderson Intern Teacher's Descriptive Report: Tntroducton (teaching, assignments, extra curricular acticties} In my ard practicum [have been working at Saint Marys Scho olin Taber. | have been teaching grade 7, 8, and 10 phys ed as well as a CTF course in 3D printing that I designed and impli mented myself. Assignemtns that lam most proud of creating during this experiance are ftom phys ed as well as my CTF cour se. In pyhs ed | had a very successful frisbee golf unit in which Iwas able to teach the students sport specific skills and then or leate a fourement with a course set up in the school yard. | also created a volleyball basketball unit that was point basad to e ncourage student excitment and healthy competition. Winners of these compatitns were rewarded by handmade trophies or [closed gym time during lunch. in my 30 printing class | eared incredibly quickly how dificult is to plan curriculum without g Uidiines; however | beleive that | made a strong introduction to 3D printing for my students and think that they learnt more than | imagined they would! As far as extracurricular activities go this was my busiest semester yet! | was the head coach of the bo ys SV volleyball team, and was involved in the planning and implimetation of § tournaments hosted at our school including the ‘24 Boys Volleyball Provincials. Through these events | was able to create strong relationships with my students, experiance a taste of what being an Athletic Director entails, and really feeling school spit. Classroom Organization and Managment of St Uudent Behaviour: I beleive that this is the area where I need to be constantly improving. At the end of PS2 | was starting to get the hang of this concept and was developing what | beleive to be good practices. In my PS3 placement I feel as though | have continued to better these interactions. | have placed more of a focus on preventative managment rater than with the bahavio ur once it has become @ concern. Largor class sizes | think thet realy helped my managment | was forced to make quick corr ections in order to keep the flow of things going even if| had to make those corrections muttiple times during my instruction pe Fiods. Planning and Preperation: Again, | felt as though this experiance has increased my planning and preperation. With large. |r class sizes you have to make sure that the students always have something to be doing ctherwise managment becomes an i ]ssue. | feel as though my practices were adequite but | am always looking to improve them more. Sitting down with my TM aft Jer 2 few of my ciasses and brainstorming ways to improve my practice really helped guide me to make those improvements. T Jechniques of instruction: In phys ed | ried to go away from the teacher centered approach. In my mini volleyball/ basketball "w Jord championships” | had students leading their own teams through warm ups and stretches, had team cheers to build tearm s pint, and awarded points for more than just athletic persuits to give all teams a chance at the prize requardless of physical abil {In dance and frisbee gott students learnt through being given a challenge that they had fo work through on their own to figur © out; in 30 printing this was especially endorsed because of the community of helpfulness and exploration that surrounds 36 printing. As far as technology use, | was rather limited in the gym and need to include more technology within the class, 3D pri ting was almost completly focused on technology but I did include a modeling from cardboard project in my curriculum. Evalu ‘ation of student learning: | feel as though this was the area that | actually grew the most. At the end of PS2 | had ran some skil Is tests in my class that were based solely on skill | found this to be destructive to students learning and confidence and did a \ay with t. | borrowed a new technique from another teacher in our school that did skills based on students correet form durin 1 the skil rather than the outcome, This has made phys ed more enjoyable for me as well as my students, | also employ much better rubric based evaluation. Personal and Professional Attributes: Overall | feel as through my greatest attribute when itca ‘me to teaching this year was my abil to be fexable. We are currently sharing our gym space with Saint Pat's Elementary So hoo! which added many elements to teaching. At the start ofthe year their was no clear cut schedule so | would plan to have t he full gym and then 50 grade 1-5 students would come running in half way through my lesson! During the start of the year | al 0 had to share the gym with the grade 9 class being taught by another teacher. | leamt very quickly to collaborate with that te ‘acher and communicate clearly what our intentions were for that period. four intentions didnt match up then we would find a jakernate solution. Summary: Allin allthis was by far my favourite practicum and | feel as though | leamt the most as well! Star ting the year wit a class and imposing your own rules and expectations was challenging but very rewarding at the same time. ‘Areas that | think | need to improve more in would be the planning aspect. | need to make sure I run through every senaro in /my head to make sure that | catch things that could potentially be an issue. | also think classroom managment and student be haviour is always something any teach could work on. | was getting better at putting out fires before they spread but still had fires spread that im sure | could have reined in before hand had | been more on top off. Aside from these things I think | have 2 of ! Ihave read and received a complete copy of my PS Ill Final Report. Date Teacher Signature This page is to beeturned to the UC to be included in the PS Il! Final Report. University of Lethbridge: PS Ill Final Report (Revised: Nov 2017),

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