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September 11th 2016

Eating Disorder
By Hanifa Febsayana Khoirunnisa* 1406568910
* Faculty of Nursing, University of Indonesia,
Undergraduate Regular Program 2014, email:

According to Eating Disorder Hope, an organization specialized in helping

people with eating disorder, it shows that eating disorder become recent issues in South
East Asia. By 2015, Indonesia which include in South East Asia countries was at 4th
place of the Highest Rates of Eating Disorder in The World.
Today I would like to give you information about eating disorder. There are
three main points to touch on, which include what are eating disorder, the effects of
eating disorder, and the treatments for eating disorder.
Using these three main points, I am going to attempt to inform you about eating
disorder effects and treatments.
There are three common types of eating disorder, anorexia, bulimia, and
overeating. Anorexia, or anorexia nervosa, is a psychiatric disorder characterized by
unrealistic fear of weight gain, self-starvation, and conspicuous distortion of body
image. Bulimia is eating disorder characterized by large amount of food consuming or
binge and then followed by discarding of the food and calories (purge) by fasting,
excessive exercise, vomiting, or using laxative. Overeating or hyperphagia is a disorder
marked by abnormal appetite and excessive ingestion of food, even to the point of
gastric pain and vomiting. These eating disorders could cause not only quite amount of
weight loss but also many harmful effects.
Eating disorder can cause many negative effects to the body. Weight loss,
fatigue, dizziness, brittle hair and nails are common effects in eating disorder. In
women, irregular menstrual cycle can also be one of the effects. Dehydration,
electrolyte imbalance, and problems on vital organs are later effects to come when
eating disorder is getting worse and medical treatment is necessary. If not treated, eating
disorder could eventually lead to death. These eating disorders must be treated
immediately to avoid further damage.

1 Universitas Indonesia

The treatments for eating disorder not only involve medical aspect, but also
psychological aspect. People with eating disorder can start the treatment with therapy to
discuss as to what triggers them. It also includes assessing other internal issue and peer
pressure issue. Beside therapy, monitoring program is recommended to keep them
accountable and keep an eye on them. Medical intervention, such as medication to
increase or suppresses hunger, is also a choice to treat eating disorder.
In review, we talked about the different types of eating disorder, their effects,
and how to treat them. With increasing number of eating disorder presentence in South
East Asia and little insight of eating disorder awareness, it is clear that eating disorder is
one serious problem to us these days.

anorexia nervosa. (n.d.) Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. (2008). Retrieved September
12 2016 from http://medical-
bulimia nervosa. (n.d.) Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. (2008). Retrieved September 12
2016 from
Dutta, S. (2015). 11 Countries with the highest rates of eating disorder in the world.
[Website article]. Retrieved September 11 2016 from
Eating Disorder Hope. (2016). Eating disorder statistic & research. [Website article].
Retrieved September 11 2016 from
hyperphagia. (n.d.) Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary. (2012). Retrieved September 12
2016 from

Universitas Indonesia

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