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-seeking Enlightenment when coming from the Mind (or "Ego") is just another

"Craving" to satisfy the Mind (& thus Temporary fulfilment)

- so dont seek to be free of Desire or Seeking Fulfilment - Bypass all that Shit by
"Just being Present" => Thats all there is to it - this is THE ANSWER to e/thing

-identifying w/ your Mind is being "Unconscious"

- Thinking you need to learn heaps more about your mind to become enlightened isn't
correct - you can't solve Problems of the Mind - from the Mind Level - once you've
learned the basic dysfunction there's not much more you need to learn/understand -
studying madness won't make you sane

- key to overcoming the Mind = end identifying w/ Time (Past = your identity / Future =
your Salvation - Both are Illusions, just let it Be)


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