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*For English please see below.

Merhaba Sevgili rencilerimiz,

OLS (Online Linguistic Support), Avrupa Komisyonunun Erasmus hareketlilii gerekletirecek

rencilerin hareketliliklerinin, henz balamadan nce ve bittikten sonra, hareketlilikleri sresince
kullanmalar ngrlen dile halihazrda ne kadar hakim olduklarn ve hareketlilik sonras ilgili dildeki
yetkinliklerini ne kadar gelitirdiklerini lmek iin kulland, evrimii dil seviyesi deerlendirme ve
dil eitimi verme platformudur.

Ulusal Ajans (UA) kurallar gerei, T ve renci arasnda imzalanan hibe szlemesiyle de kayt
altna alnd zere, gidi ncesi ve dn sonras renci tarafndan OLS snavlar evrimii olarak
yaplmaldr. Gidi ncesi snavndan Avrupa Ortak Dil erevesine (CEFR) gre B1 ve daha
dk seviyede not alan rencilere, OLS sistemi tarafndan, otomatik olarak, snava girilen dilde,
evrimii dil kursu verilir. B1den yksek not alan renciler iin istee bal,
zorunlu olmayan, evrimii dil kursu lisans verilebilir. Gidi ncesi ve dn sonras snav ile, eer
sistem tarafndan otomatik atanmsa, zorunlu online dil kursunun makul srece takip edilmi olmas
renci iin zorunluluktur. Bu artlardan herhangi birini yerine getirmeyen renciden UA kurallar
gerei toplam hakettii hibenin %20 ila %100 arasnda belirlenecek olan mebla hibe szlemesine
istinaden ofis tarafndan iade istenir.

OLS snav lisans dilleri Almanca, spanyolca, talyanca ve Franszca olmak zere rencinin gidecei
lkede yaygn olarak kullanlan dile gre atanmtr. Eitim alacanz dil ile snav olacanz dil
arasnda bir fark varsa bunun nedeni ilgili lisans datm prensibidir.

OLS dn snavnz OLS sistemi tarafndan sizin profilinizi ilk olutururken beyan ettiiniz hareketlilik
tarihlerine uyumlu olarak sistem zerinden kendiliinden aktive olacaktr. Dn snav tarihinizi
kardnz takdirde ekteki ekran grntsndeki ilemi takip ederek dn snavnz aktive

Ayrca bu e-postann ikinci eki olarak bulabileceiniz Erasmus renci Beyannamesi hem T ile sizin
aranzdaki hibe szlemesinin 3. Ekidir hem de Erasmus hareketliliiniz sresince sorumluluklarnz,
ykmllkleriniz, haklarnz ve aksi davranlarda size uygulanabilecek yaptrmlar hakknda genel bir
ereve izmektedir. Ltfen okuyunuz ve saklaynz.

Snavlarnzda ve hareketliliinizde baarlar dileriz,


Dear Student,

The Online Linguistic Support (OLS) supports language learning for Erasmus+ mobility participants.
The OLS offers participants in Erasmus+ long-term mobility activities the opportunity to assess their
skills in the foreign language(s) they will use to study, work or volunteer abroad.

The OLS language assessment is mandatory for all participants to Erasmus+ mobility with one of
the following languages as the main language of instruction. Erasmus+ mobility participants must
take the assessment twice before and at the end of their mobility period in order to monitor
their progress in the language of mobility. The online assessment assesses participants' language
skills - listening, reading and writing - according to the Common European Framework of Reference
for Languages (CEFR).
Participants must complete the first language assessment before the mobility to assess their
language competences. For higher education students, taking the OLS language assessment before
their departure is a pre-requisite for the mobility, except if duly justified. Assessment results do not
prevent participants from taking part in the mobility programme, but can be used by the sending
institution/coordinating organisation to identify the participants most in need of linguistic support.
At the end of their mobility period, participants will be requested to take a second assessment to
assess the progress made.

According to rules and regulations set bey Turkish National Agency (NA) and European Comission
(EC), pre-mobility and post-mobility OLS online language assesments are mandatory, unless
otherwise agreed by both parties as the student and ITU Erasmus Office by the inter-agreed grant
agreement. Depending on your perfomence on your pre-mobility OLS assessment, you may be
graded in a scale from A1- to C2 in compliance with the European Common Framework for
Languages (CEFR) spectrum. The result of B1 or less are subject to an automatically assigned online
language course. In this case, the student is also obliged to follow the automatically-assigned
mandatory online language course for a sensible (reasonable) time. Otherwise, our office is obliged
to reinstate all the paid and unpaid grants in a percentage ranging from 20% to 100%. This clause is
stated clearly in your grant agreements.

Our office willnot send your post-mobility OLS assessment invitation after your mobility. You are
supposed to follow your OLS profile for your post-mobility assessments. In case of a prolongation or
shortening procedure in your mobility time period, you ought to modify your end-of-mobility dates
via the link stated in the first attachment of this e-mail.

Moreover, you can find your Erasmus Student Proclamation, which is the third attachment to your
grant agreement, as the second attachment of this e-mail. It states your obligations, rights and
sanctions in case of misbehaviour in general as an addendum to the clauses of your grant

Wishing you great success in your assessments and mobilities,

With love,

(Mr.) Cihan apc

Giden renci Sorumlusu / Outgoing Students Advisor
Istanbul Technical University
Erasmus Ofisi / Office
Tel: +90 212 2857183
E-mail: <>
Address: T AB Merkezi, Erasmus Ofisi
Ayazaga Kamps renci leri Binas
34469 Maslak / ili / stanbul TRKIYE

renci Grme Saatleri: Pzt-Sal-r-Per ,14:00-16:00

Student Office Hours: Mon-Tue-Wed-Thr ,14:00-16:00

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