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Annotated Bibliography

Jasmine Selene Cordero Nevarez

University of Texas at El Paso


Annotated Bibliography

Blanton, Priscilla White. "The Adlerian Perspective in the Context of Contemporary Marriages."

Journal of Individual Psychology 56, no. 4 (Winter2000 2000): 411. Database on-line.

Available from EBSCO, 9049862.

Blanton argument three dimensions of marriage, she highlights the importance of sexua l

attraction and spouse's intimacy in marriage. The author argues that sexual attraction and intimac y

satisfaction is a key to successful marriage. Spouses that have a satisfactory intimacy become more

flexible at the time to confront the marriage issues.

Blanton departs from the background of previous clinical researchers. To expose the main

factors that emotional connection or rejection referent the sexual attraction of spouses in marriage

determine a functional or dysfunctional relationship. The influence of emotional life at the time to

affront the dimensions of marriage.

Blanton aboard how spouses pass for different stages of marriage she calls those the three

dimensions of love: equality vs. hierarchy, cooperation vs. competition and commitment vs.

evasion. These are the principal issues that spouses confront to keep marriage in a successful

relationship. For Blanton the sexual attraction plays the main role at the moment spouses pass

through this marriage issues through marriage life.

Bradbury, Thomas N., Steven R. H. Beach, Frank D. Fincham, and George M. Nelson.

"Attributions and Behavior in Functional and Dysfunctional Marriages," Journal of

Consulting and Clinical Psychology, no. 3 (1996): 569. Database online. Available from



Bradbury argument that distressed spouses tend to blame each other for the marriage issues

also they perceive the relationship in a negative way, while no distressed spouses tend to be tolerant

each other. the reflexed emotions on behavior of distresses spouses stimulate the negative behavior

of the partner of the relationship. The passing behavior each other, is a behavior cycle like it

happens in cause and effect.

Bradbury work on his argument on base to Jabson and Margolian attribution to

psychological therapy. He makes a more explicit study to prove that the bad or well behavior of

one of the spouses influence the behavior of the other spouse.

Bradbury proves her argument through a case study analyzing maladaptive is a problem of

the lower level of satisfaction, spouses who are not satisfied with the relationship present negative

behaviors and blaming the other spouse to the marital problems and the behavior of one stimulated

the second spouse to present the same previous behavior as consequence.

Burgoyne, Carole B., and Alan Lewis. "Distributive Justice in Marriage: Equality Or Equity? "

Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 4, no. 2 (05 1994): 101. Database on-

line. Available from EBSCO; EBSCO, RIS Format UTF-8,.

Burgoyne and Lewis claim in their journal that in marriage household income husband

prefer equity while wives prefer equality. Men feel more confident when he has the control and

women show dependency perhaps she really wants to be independent and has the egalitar ia n

system in marriage.

Burgoyne and Lewis confront real marriage to obtain real results on their experime nt.

During the interviews, they discovered that men prefer equality because men want to feel he keeps

as the principal range of the hierarchy. Through the process to prove what system equality or

equity, spouses prefer in a marriage, they found that wives wish equality, but keep following

classical gender roles and asking for permission to make decisions.

Burgoyne and Lewis persuade audience especially women readers. To be independent. To

look for equality in marriage. The author argues that for wives who do not live an egalitar ia n

system the affections are bigger for her than for men. The consequences are psychologica l,

physical and emotional for women if marriage confronts divorce.

Hawkins, Alan J., Victoria L. Blanchard, Scott A. Baldwin, and Elizabeth B. Fawcett. "Does

Marriage and Relationship Education Work? A Meta-Analytic Study." Journal of

Consulting & Clinical Psychology 76, no. 5 (10 2008): 723. Database on-line. Availab le

from EBSCO; EBSCO, RIS Format UTF-8, .

The author's argument that functional marriage has two elements. the first element is a good

communication and the good habit to listen well. Second, the marital equality with respect to the

financial management. These are basically what marriage relationship education teaches.

The authors find that the lack of financial or well poverty on marriage has a destructive

impact on marriage and families, for this reason, they evolved into federal programs to help

families with low economic resources. Therapy to help spouses with any marital issue as a couple

and as individuals. The help offered by the specialist on family education has importance because

it is the way to avoid serious and stronger problems to spouses and family as well.

The authors analyze the marriage and relationship education effectiveness. The

methodology of marriage and relationship education is analyzed by its methodology, applicatio n,

and functionality. The objective is to find if MRE (marriage and relationship education) help to

build strong marriages and families and to keep sustainable relationships.


Hendrix, Harville, and Sally Sweetland. "Good Marriages make Happy Children." Mothering, no.

69 (Winter93 1993): 100. Database on-line. Available from EBSCO; EBSCO, RIS Format

UTF-8, 9402235166.

The author's argument that at the time spouses have a mature conscience, both would be

capable to understand each other. A strong conscious on spouses help them to The author's

argument that functional marriage has two elements. the first element is a good communica tio n

and the good habit to listen well. Second, the marital equality with respect to the financ ia l

management. These are basically what marriage relationship education teaches.

The authors find that the lack of financial or well poverty on marriage has a destructive

impact on marriage and families, for this reason, they evolved into federal programs to help

families with low economic resources. Therapy to help spouses with any marital issue as a couple

and as individuals. The help offered by a specialist on family education has importance because it

is the way to avoid serious and stronger problems to spouses and family as well.

The authors analyze the marriage and relationship education effectiveness. The

methodology of marriage and relationship education is analyzed by its methodology, applicatio n,

and functionality. The objective is to find if MRE (marriage and relationship education) help to

build strong marriages and families and to keep sustainable relationships.

Skinner, Nicholas F., and Kristine N. Iaboni. "Personality Implications of Adaption-Innovatio n:

Iv. Cognitive Style as a Predictor of Marital Success." Social Behavior & Personality: An

International Journal 37, no. 8 (10 2009): 1111-1116. Database on-line. Available from

EBSCO; EBSCO, RIS Format UTF-8, 44894829.

Skinner and Iaboni argument that cognitive styles influence at the moment to

choose the ideal mate in a relationship. The cognitive styles are divided into the groups the

innovators, the innovative and the adaptors. Any category with different personality traits

classification. There are no previous studies about the successful partnership through cognitive

styles as a factor of successful partnership election.

Skinner and Iaboni classify marriage as a team, but before marriage, it is necessary to find

and select the best match partnership to a successful relationship. The authors depart from the

argumentative ideas that Goldsmith share that personality includes thought styles. The authors

being more emphatically on the arguments given by Campos and Bradbury that claims that

successful partnership selection comes from the congruent or incongruent personality traits.

Skinner and Iaboni support his argument through the experimental results of their research.

Results show that cognitive styles influence at the moment to choose the ideal mate in a

relationship. The successful election of a couple produces successful marriage relationship.

Steil, Janice M. Ingham. Marital Equality: Its Relationship to the Well-being of Husbands and

Wives. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, c1997, 1997. Database on-line.

Available from EBSCO; EBSCO, RIS Format UTF-8, .

Steil argues that the equilibrium inside the relationship of spouses has a great impact in

systematic psychic reaction to women. The author claim that sociocultural background of spouses

plays a big role at the moment they look for equilibrium in marriage Steil explains all her

arguments on the bias to an egalitarian system in marriage, to a healthy state of mind of spouses.

The author emerges her arguments through "the personal relationship and intimate

relationship has emerged"(Steil,1997). Steil found that sociocultural background plays an


important role in marriage. The need for equality in marriage to the well-being of spouses. The

appreciation of the gender roles has to be more flexible in marriage.

Steil argument the need of equality in marriage to healthy marriage.

therefore, all satisfactory retributions that come with marriage equality as consequence are healthy

wives, husband, and healthy children. The next generations fallow this patron to build a healthy

society with basis on egalitarian marriage system.

Thoburn, John W., and Thomas L. Sexton. Family Psychology: Theory, Research, and Practice.

Santa Barbara, California : Praeger, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC, 2016], 2016. Database

on-line. Available from EBSCO; EBSCO, RIS Format UTF-8, .

The authors create a more explicit information of the epistemology of the theory and

practice of clinical family psychology. Thoburn and sexton depart from the practice to the theory

of family clinical psychology. the authors claim this is possible because family issues start into

explaining the human family conditions since a systematical perspective.

Despite another author have written another family psychology books, they never wrote

those books with the three elements in conjunction. The other books aboard any element by itself

no combine it. Thoburn and Sexton claim that the present book contains the three elements of a

systematical perspective.

Thoburn and Sexton argue that create this book with the three elements research, practice,

and theory to analyze family clinical psychology in conjunction, help readers to understand better

how the clinical intervention works. The kind, techniques, and procedures of any clinical therapy

specialized in marriage.

Thorne, Barrie, and Marilyn Yalom. Rethinking the Family: Some Feminist Questions. New York:

Longman, c1982, 1982. Database on-line. Available from EBSCO; EBSCO, RIS Format

UTF-8, .

The authors of rethinking family argument the possibility to view the family concept

through a feminist position. This anthology argument different questions of women from a feminist

perspective. The female role in society inside and outside of marriage. highlight the independence

of women and the functionality of matriarchy.

Despite, the social pressure and women that keep following traditional gender roles and

men dependency behaviors, the authors found that the possibility of rethink the concept of family

can impact other women concept about family. The authors' argument that women position in

society is sub estimated, women and children strong bond and functional family too.

The authors explain with detail how women have had an impact on society. The impact of

independent women on different sociocultural facets. Women labor work, the matriarc ha l

functional family. All questions and answers from women to women about the family concept of

a new era, through the eyes of feminism.

Wilcox, W. B., and Steven L. Nock. "What's Love Got to do with it? Equality, Equity,

Commitment and Women's Marital Quality." Social Forces, no. 3 (2006): 1321. Database

on-line. Available from EBSCO; EBSCO, RIS Format UTF-8, .

Wilcox and Nock argument that wives' expectations and ideas about the distribution of

gender roles inside a marital relationship are complex than for husband. Therefore, the emotion

plays a big role in women behavior and decision while for men his emotions are linked to his work


Wilcox and Nock argument too that egalitarian system is not what marriage really need to

be happiest. Perhaps the idea of egalitarianism beliefs and practice inside marriage as the happiest

model. A model which has his bases on the compassionated theory that Wilcox after his research

evidence as a fallacy.

Both authors find in his research that marriage is happiest when gender equity and

normative commitment be part of the relationship system. The partiality of author pro-equity is

consistent through all journal, and let know to the audience on this case reader their male chauvinist

posture on the favor to equity by the benefits that equity gives to men.

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