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Doc: Hi lola how are you?

Lola: Hi doctor im really worry

Doc: dont worry the sickness will founded by me

Lola: thanks you, i hope its soon



Doc: the sida has been arrive to your life from head to foot

Lola: are you pulling my leg?

Doc: no, this is real, the sickness will be pained in your neck for the rest of your life

Lola: this is the worse notice that somebody told me

Doc: Dont worry god is with us, he is kind

Lola: he dosent exist , is bad invention

Doc: but if he love us, what do you say that?

Lola: if he really exist, i wouldnt have this sicknes, and never would need something


Doc: God not only give you material things, the life was gift you by him, you are a big head

Lola: my life was gift me by my mom, i said

Doc: i pray for you will be better in somedays

Lola: thanks you, pray to your god for me, but i heal me with medicine

Doc: the medicine for heal dosent exist, but we have had medicaments to improve your life

Lola: is for ever?

Doc: yes, for ever lola

Se va


Lola: my life is horrible, i wish die in this moment

Doc: oh noo, she will have miracle needed

Lola: please, dont let me die

Doc: god, this day was very dificult, we have some problems but i know that you are wih us, please
can be her life saved soon?


Lola: ( wake up)

Doc: glory of god

Lola: yes is glory of my god, this accident was been for my change. I knew god in my dreams

Doc: thank you god! I put my foot in you!, tell me your dream


Lola: i saw a big light and said me Good things will come my daughter, I saw my mother, she
said: your life may be continued in the word, I love you touch my hand and I wake up

Doc: you looked your mother that is fantastic


Lola: the sida was done for weaks but i am strong

Doc: i will help you


Doc: i have been put in your way for this misin by god

Lola: i will recover with gods hand, i am sure of that

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