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Community Problem Report Outline

Peer Review Form

RWS 1301

Reviewer name: Jesus Pineda

Whose report are you reviewing? Natalie Rangel

What is the central problem outlined in the report? The problem in her report is about adolescent

Does the outline contain or at least indicate the authors research questions? Yes, there is

Type them below: She has the question of fact, question of definition, question of resource, and
question of policy.

Is there evidence provided in response to each research question? Yes, there is

Type it below: all her questions each have a resource to support their main points.

Does all the evidence provided DIRECTLY relate to one of the authors research questions? Yes, the
evidence helps back up the problems that come with adolescent pregnancy.

If any of the evidence provided seems irrelevant, copy and paste it below: Nothing seems irrelevant in
the report.

What is the authors policy intervention? The solution is to get parenting mandatory classes back in very

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